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High Rollers
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Everything posted by LFF

  1. WOW. I'm so out of the loop.
  2. You mean to say that the B52 isn't worth the asking price? What is cheaper and better than a B52?
  3. I'd love to listen to it. Problem is, I can't even afford the headphones it's supposed to power.
  4. Happy big 6-0!
  5. Happy Birthday Indeed!
  6. Here is a small field recording of the Disneyland Train going by from left to right. Made with the gear I posted above. The mics were attached to the top of my ears. Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem! I have managed to make a dummy head, an 8 inch holophonic mic, a 4 inch holophonic mic and a jecklin disc. IMHO, the 8 inch holophonic mic made the best recordings for speakers and headphones. If your interested, I can post recordings made with the holophonic mics.
  7. I use a pair of Core Sound omni mic's with my iPod and an iTalk by Griffin and they record just fine. I'm sure those Church mic's are just as good.
  8. Listening to them on Pandora. Awesome music for any of you who like Hot Jazz.
  9. LOVE this music.
  10. In general, with Jazz, the worse the cover art - the better the music. Don't ask me why.
  11. Probably more. It's going to be a long project. It took me 2 months to do the Beatles.
  12. My brother has asked me to remaster the entire Bowie catalog. So, I guess I'll be listening to this tonight.
  13. Nice rack! I built one myself not too long ago. One of my few DIY projects that actually turned out ok. That hard drive looks familiar.
  14. LFF

    slow forum

  15. LFF

    slow forum

  16. LFF

    slow forum

    Interior Decorating FAIL:
  17. LFF

    slow forum

    This made me lol:
  18. LFF

    slow forum

  19. Thanks Ken. My memories of her are always present as I learned many, many things from her. I was just talking about her a few weeks ago too. I have been very sick for almost a week now and I get up to the computer only to find about this tragic incident. Real bummer. According to some reports I read she was stabbed 37 times! How such a kind, elegant and spiritual woman could meet such an end really troubles my mind. For what it's worth, she has always been my favorite teacher. Sad to know she is gone.
  20. Yeah. I really am bummed about this. Her own son killed her. I remember meeting him too when I was in grade school. Really sucks to hear the world has lost such a kind person. Here is the article: [url=http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/134358]Q.C. man arrested in mother
  21. Nope.
  22. I found out my beloved 6th grade teacher was recently murdered. Sucks balls as she didn't deserve to go that way. She was a real kind woman who was a joy to have as a teacher. My love of history stems from her class. I will miss her very much.
  23. HAPPY BIG 5-0!!!!
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