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Everything posted by LFF

  1. My HD-600 is one of my workhorses and I love them. Lately I have been having trouble with the right channel going in and out. I think it might be a bad contact with the wire but I am not sure. Any suggestions or anyone willing to take a look at them for me?
  2. Mr. Augsburger! It has nothing to do with mono or stereo. It has everything to do with the recording engineers at Contemporary Records and their minimalist mic'ing techniques. Roy DuNann is one of my all time hi-fi heroes and he was one of the engineers at Contemporary. Another interesting thing about the recordings at Contemporary is they used no echo or reverb on the actual masters and most of the OJC's transferred the tapes flat and dry. 4 Neumann tube mics fed directly to an Ampex Tape machine made for an extremely clean signal path and captured the ambiance very well. It's not surprising that the masters transfer and remaster so well. Most are considered audiophile favorites. A little polishing and they sound superb!
  3. Because they might need to get permission all over again. As history has shown - that can take many, many years. I do hope they make more though. EDIT: On another note - I was playing The Beatles Rockband today! Aside from the fun, the sound quality was very good!
  4. LFF

    slow forum

    I thought it was cool:
  5. LFF

    slow forum

    Another funny gory film! Watch This: Treevenge | /Film
  6. LFF

    slow forum

  7. My remaster.
  8. Remastered these:
  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!
  10. LFF

    Perfect songs.

    Some of my fav's: Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin (From Songs For Swingin' Lovers) Bing Crosby - Let It Snow! The Drifters - White Christmas Art Pepper - Four Brothers John Lennon - Imagine Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World The Beatles - I Will Benny Hill - My Garden Of Love Bobby Darin - Beyond The Sea Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman Sam Cooke - Wonderful World Not songs, but big favorites: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata & Fur Elise Mozart's Requiem
  11. Couldn't agree more!
  12. Never had that problem with my 10's. I can sleep in them.
  13. WOW! Just wow! Hell, if I owned them, I'd probably be much more protective.
  14. 1. I own UE10's. I am praying for the day I get to own the JH13's. I really want the JH13's and am continuously telling myself that I don't NEED them. 2. I assume they would be the same. It all depends on the casting of your inner ear and how accurate it is done. 3. Don't know. 4. I constantly work with audio. I'd rather have the JH13.
  15. LFF

    Surviviorman rules

    That's exactly why I love that show!
  16. LFF

    slow forum

  17. Through the internet. That's why you never know. You should hear the mix tracks for the White Album! It's tough but leaks do happen. In this particular case, I can't call it yet. EDIT: In all honesty, I thought at least a full album would have leaked about a month ago. No news on a complete album yet though.
  18. I agree but with the internet around you just never know. I would assume they have them in a vault guarded by guards who guard those guards and are supervised by cameras who in turn are kept in check by other guards. Maybe they are all working together to export the remasters to Argentina.
  19. Why does this remind me of a cover from Anabolic or RLD?
  20. I also can't wait. If I had to buy one right now, it would also be the MONO box set.
  21. Honestly - I don't know. Here is my reasoning: TRUE: The internet is massive and if you know enough people and have enough contacts, you can get anything. I know for a fact that some of the remastered tracks have been out since more than a year. There are no official promo CD's AFIK, but there are some CD-R's that have been going from point to point. What's to say these guys over in Argentina received these CD-R's or a copy of them. Could be given the accessibility of the internet. As far as I can hear, they do have more a digital edge and they don't sound like vinyl rips. HOAX: With primitive sound equipment or low level plug-ins, you can do A LOT if you know how to use the equipment correctly. I consider my set-up to be rather low compared to some Hollywood Studios. Capitol Records has a cache of goods with EQ's that cost over 10k and other stuff that I can only dream of owning. I know a guy who went there to master an album and according to him, I got a much better sound using my gear than he did using what they had there. So, if these guys are clever, you can easily get the original CD's and EQ them, limit them and compress them to sound like remasters. Also, notice that most USA radio stations don't have them yet. They are set to be delivered to radio stations on 9-01-09. I know some HARDCORE fans who haven't even heard the remasters aside from the Amazon samples and those are too low in quality to really be decisive about them. So...who knows. I'm happy with what I have but will leave final judgment on the remasters once I hear them in lossless sound quality.
  22. I had an older girlfriend who worked for a life insurance company for 5 years before she got burned out by the work and the ethics involved. She then switched over to car insurance working for a big company. She said she enjoyed that far more and has kept that job for the past 20 some odd years. Knowing some lawyers, I also know that getting some insurance companies to pay on life insurance is very, very hard. Honestly, I'd say to stay away.
  23. I posted these alleged leaks on the other site for the hell of it. Maybe some of you would be interested. Cual Es?
  24. Ebbett's drops suck balls IMHO. Almost anything is better than his remasters. He might have the most complete catalog but to me, his rips are rather bright and shrill. Mirror Spock's are much better but he sometimes uses too much NR. You can hear the space monkeys in some of those. I think that some of the Hoffman board members do better drops than Ebbett's and Mirror Spock but their attitude is harsh at times. In conclusion, let's wait for the remasters and then bitch about how Hoffman should have done them.
  25. If you like that version of the Requiem, you should really check out THIS VERSION!
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