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High Rollers
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Everything posted by LFF

  1. Happy Birthday to the both of you!
  2. Skip the 2009 remaster of Tattoo You and find the Black Triangle version. It's not perfect but it's not brickwalled and is probably the best sounding retail version available.
  3. Thanks for your kind wishes guys and gals! It is much appreciated. I am actually feeling kind of blue on this day so I will celebrate it with you guys and gals in a very relaxed way...if you are the gambling type!
  4. I think it's on the warm side of transparent. Not lacking bass or anything at all. I love it.
  5. Thanks for the info guys!
  6. Yeah. I have tried everything on the apple website and on youtube. No luck. Someone told me the key giveaway is that the battery will not hold a charge and thus needs to be replaced.
  7. My 2nd gen iTouch refuses to update. The key though is that it also will not hold a charge. Is there someone who is handy and can help me by installing a new battery on this thing for me?
  8. LFF

    slow forum

    Awesome stuff if you ask me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLnjlUXXFoU
  9. This is one of the first vinyl albums I got and one of the first dozen or so that got me started on vinyl. Fantastic sound!
  10. Awwww. You guys are just swell! Really - you're all the best and I was really shocked to see the number of posts in this thread. Thanks! Some of you act like dicks and/or asses and portray yourselves as thick skinned but you're all softies underneath it all. Much love to you all! To celebrate - come to the casino with me!
  11. So much I lost count.
  12. Nope. Came from the Speaker Corners re-issue. I have yet to hear the Hoffman/Gray version.
  13. Just finished remastering this for someone about 5 min ago. Great album.
  14. Yes. It's a fantastic headphone. I use it for monitoring my remasters late at night when the neighbors are sleeping. However, if you can place the $$ towards JH13's - do that instead. I'm dying to get a pair of JH13's but I am too broke and poor to buy some.
  15. That's the exact same problem I have with all castille soaps I have tried. I made some shaving soap with castille as a base and it dried my face out real bad. Now I just use it to make liquid soap for washing my hands. I use Proraso for shaving and my own DIY pre-shave and after-shave balm.
  16. Completely agree. Deepak - you have some golden ears! A little EQ with most of his masters can go a long, long way.
  17. LFF

    slow forum

    LOL: Drunk Ewoks Ruin Today Show Halloween Segment | /Film
  18. LFF

    slow forum

    Blah! You got me. I don't know how to use the net.
  19. LFF

    slow forum

  20. Remastering this. AWESOME sound.
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. No way. Not my copy! My copy is very Hi-Fi.
  23. LFF

    slow forum

    x 2!
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