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Everything posted by LFF

  1. AWESOME! I always forget to mention that in threads like these. Import CD's can be worth their weight in gold sometimes. Most Japan Toshiba/EMI stuff is mastered really well. However, be careful with shipping charges and import fees.
  2. Mr. Baguette brings up a GREAT point. IMPORT CD'S!!!!! While we might only have the RVG edition here in the states (and only in mono), over in Japan or the UK they might have a different version with better mastering, in stereo and with bonus tracks to boot. It may be worth your while to check on amazon.co.uk or check internet import sites if your looking for a particular artist that is only available as an RVG edition.
  3. You know, I heard about these but I am VERY skeptical to say the least. I have yet to purchase one. I think I might just for research purposes. Your completely right and I echo your opinion. It was a bad move to not only move them to a storage facility but it was even worse firing the ONLY guy who knew how the system was kept and how it was all put together. It's also the exact same reason I am so skeptical about the new remasters. If you want the best remasters of OJC titles, then buy the 45RPM vinyl pressings that Hoffman and Gray did (aka The Fantasy 45 series). The OJC's, FWIW, are nearly perfect. Most only require a little bit of polishing to be perfect. Yes, there are some that sound bad, but, as you mentioned, they are usually very old tapes or rare historical performances that got captured on less that perfect equipment. I love OJC's and I truly wish I owned their entire catalog. I can't recommend them enough.
  4. The pearl is a nice cart. I would also recommend the 2M or the AT440MLa. I also really like the Shure M97xe.
  5. You're not alone. I often hear this from people too (though rarely from audiophiles). I played a remaster for a friend of mine a while back. His comment was "wow, it's really quiet and to me, it has lost all the detail and soul". I think it's a legit comment but one I fail to explain. To me, the remaster sounded much clearer, better defined, more dynamic. The person I did it for spoke wonders of the remaster. Yet to my friend, it sounded quiet and lacking in detail and soul. Best explanation I have is that there are simply different strokes for different folks. My father often prefers the loud and over-compressed stuff you buy in the stores. Why? He says "because I can hear everything". Note that he plays this stuff in the car and on a cheap night stand stereo made by Sony. Maybe the over-compressed sound is just a part of some musical genres and a part some people tend to prefer. Beats me. As for The Fragile, I prefer the vinyl version as well.
  6. Japan Release v. RVG Edition
  7. They have to be taken on a case by case basis. Some are horribly over-compressed. Some sound decent enough and some sound good. In many cases, they are the only versions available in a digital format. However, when there is a choice, I prefer the non-RVG editions as. I used to be HIGHLY against RVG remasters but as I have listened to more of them I guess you really have no choice but to go on a case by case basis. The Blue Train RVG is among the worst remasters I have seen and heard. Anyway, in short, it's a gamble. EdipisReks is right, they are ok, but not as good as OJC's or other remasters available on vinyl, SACD or CD.
  8. In the words of the great Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong - "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know...."
  9. Are you sure? Wouldn't you prefer some Boston instead?
  10. Spend a 3 hours trying to perfect Pet Sounds (Stereo Version), transferred two vinyl records, spent time with my wife, watched a movie (House of Sand and Fog) and finished remastering a past project of mine.
  11. Yeah. I wants to know what are the best headphones for use ipods when listening to ALAC? IEM or full size? A plus if they work for videogaming on the net because I want to be a l33t playa on CS: Source. Also, what is high-end listening?
  12. I know a lot of the key U.E. people many of us knew and loved have gone, some of them, a long time ago. I just hope that this move improves what UE already has. I purchased my UE10 almost 3 years ago and I don't regret it one bit. Their support has been top notch every single time I have needed them. I hope that doesn't change. Still, I also remain cautiously optimistic.
  13. LFF


    Ryan, as a big Grado fan myself, you should let your old buddy borrow your vintage set for a while. You know, so I can evaluate them against my own black band set.
  14. Yeah. The one I sold was open but it was in minty condition. I rated it as NM.
  15. No shit! I did a transfer of that and sold the transfer and LP for $40.00. I had no idea it was worth so much!!!! LOL!
  16. LFF

    Mono Magic!

    That's awesome! If anyone wants to buy and send it my way for transfer that would be awesome too.
  17. Those are some sweet pics. Wish I could do a trip like that sometime.
  18. This has got to be the most informative and funny thread here. Explains A LOT!
  19. My boss had this and it did make a mean cup of joe. I would recommend it!
  20. The people over at Reference Recordings actually know what they are doing though. Just my 2 cents. I have and they are also way too bright for my tastes. I didn't say all them sucked. Just most of them. The Bill Evans Village Vanguard XRCD is awesome.
  21. Most XRCD's are extremely bright so be careful! Anything released by DCC will be demo material. Most of the stuff released by MFSL will also be demo material although some MFSL titles used the wrong tapes when doing the transfers. The recent MFSL releases have been awesome! XRCD's can be tricky. Some, like Bill Evan's - Live At The Village Vanguard are flat transfers from the master tapes and sound great. However, most of the XRCD releases are BRIGHT. WAY too bright for my tastes. On the other hand, some people like their music to "sparkle". In general, I recommend people stay away from these "audiophile" releases. Now, if your into collecting you can look into getting what are called "Target" CD's. No, they aren't sold at the retail Target stores but rather are called Target CD's due to the cross-hair artwork the CD's have. Most were made in Europe and almost all of them feature flat transfers of the master tapes and sound great.
  22. Well - today my computer fucked up. I spent all day tryig to fix it. Turns out my new video card is dead (bought about 6 months ago). Replaced my barely used GeForce 7300GT AGP with an old GeForce 2mx AGP and that fixed it. Then I went with my wife to see my father-in-law and we went for dinner. Came back, got bummed by my crap-tastic graphics and wrote this. Yeah....I know....I need a new computer. EDIT: In the mean time - Anyone have an old AGP card they don't want anymore?
  23. Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope you have a great one! Looking forward to the Aug. 24 meet!!!
  24. LFF

    slow forum

    Love that DJ Spock clip.
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