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High Rollers
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Everything posted by LFF

  1. LFF

    slow forum

    This has got to be one of the best things someone has sent me in a LONG LONG TIME!!!! If you familiar with Peter & The Wolf - then you must listen to this! Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!
  2. LFF

    slow forum

  3. Wow. I ask about a box and get a picture of a dildo. LOL! Only on this forum! I guess it will have to be from boxes or I might have to come up with a different idea.
  4. Thanks for the reply Justin. I only need about 10 though.
  5. I need a box that should be 12.5" x 12.5" x 2" that can hold 4 CD's. The box should be able to open like a book. Kind of like this:
  6. I need someone who can do this. If you can - please PM me.
  7. I only took it about 4 times over the past few days. I'm still very sore though but at least the majority of the pain is gone. So far - no constipation either.
  8. Happy Birthday Dude!!!!
  9. Thanks for the all the advice! A heat pack and 250mg of Vicodin have solved the problem when it gets bad. I'm dead tired and my body feels like it has been beat up from head to toe with most the brunt on my lower back. I hate moving!
  10. Well - I finally finished unpacking last night and tonight came the sorting and rearranging of stuff. One problem - this morning - I woke up with very bad back pain. I tried the hot tub with some advil for pain but it is still there. Any thoughts on how to get it to go away beside going to a chiropractor?
  11. About how much did the project cost you? I am curious because I have nothing between the wall and my components. This seems like a cheap project I could commission someone to do for me but I know nothing of this stuff.
  12. Speaking of power conditioners, have anyone ever attempted to build one of these? "DIY Hydra" Power Conditioner on 10 Audio
  13. My gosh....that is one damn sexy amp!! Nice work Justin!
  14. Some very nice pictures guys! I need to find the time to go take pictures.
  15. LFF

    slow forum

    ROFLOL! That is awesome. Being a philosophy graduate and a huge Sinatra lover I proclaim this to be super awesome.
  16. It is if your in the same room. Glad to know their are others on here who own a pair of HR824's.
  17. I kinda know what you mean. I went to Guitar Center to try out all their pro monitors and ALL of them were brighter than a halogen lamp in a dark room. I mean BRIGHT enough to kill insects within earshot!! All of them were bright except the Mackie's. I did like the BX8's but those still a tad too bright for my tastes. I wasn't being cheap either. My budget was $3,000.00 just for the speakers. After talking to a friend who is an acoustical engineer (and confirming that they are indeed flat) I decided to buy a pair. I got them used, but new, for $400.00. No complaints ever since.
  18. Yeah. I would have had the same reaction. It's good to know they suck live because I would go see them live based on their studio album.
  19. I can respect that as I have not heard them live nor seen them live. I do like their album though.
  20. To give Ms. Spears some credit - she is doing some dance moves while singing. Hence that loud "backing vocal track". She does need a little help. Now, if you want to hear some good pop music (though not so modern), listen to the isolated vocal tracks of the Beach Boys. Now that's real pop music. EDIT: Vampire Weekend is also rather good for being modern.
  21. I have an EMU 0404 USB connected to two Mackie HR824's and it's awesome. Neutral and very good sound. It's also great for gaming but I rarely use it for that. For music, I couldn't ask for more. The best part is that it won't break the bank. I put my system together for under $800.00.
  22. Happy Birthday man! Hope all is well and I hope you have a great time!
  23. It's an excellent LP with awesome mastering. It is my second favorite version of this album right after the Steve Hoffman version.
  24. Hmmm. What grinds my gears? When I was single I hated women who dressed like sluts and got offended if you looked at them even the slightest bit. I also hate when people use the word "like" "um" and "so" more than 2 times in a sentence. I also hate it when you go to a restaurant and they bring you the bill and it totals to say $47.89 and you pay with a $100.00 bill and the stupid waiter/waitress opens the little black book that holds the bill, looks at it and the cash and proceeds to ask "Do you need change?".
  25. I know. That's why I said it's on a case by case basis. The picture was to show why I think that the RVG Blue Train sucks.
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