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Everything posted by swt61

  1. I did pick a replacement. Kevin Paffrath. If they do recall him, I want my vote to be a Democrat.
  2. Celebrity Game Face. A lot of fun!
  3. Actually Friday, but forgot to mention voting against the recall of California Governor Gavin Newsome. Not if I can help it Republicans!
  4. Ceviche is generally made with some variation of white fish. Wondering how it would be with salmon? I may need to experiment. Salmon, shrimp and scallops sounds worthy.
  5. swt61

    RMAF 2021

  6. swt61

    RMAF 2021

    I feel that I'd definitely have something to offer Redneck Jam. Yes, gay rednecks exist. Assuming redneck = country.
  7. I almost always brine salmon. It's just so moist and delicious.
  8. Why does everyone assume they'll be pushing up daisies? Surely some of us will be fertilizing Lillies, Carnations, Hydrangeas, Buttercups etc ... Maybe even non flowering plants or weeds. I myself imagine I'll be pushing up Zucchini or Cucumbers.
  9. And I'd like to add that Jennifer Coolidge is a National treasure! She doesn't get enough acclaim. I just rewatched Best in Show, and she's just so good!
  10. I loved the characters and some great acting. Catherine Keener has an especially juicy role that she excels at. But it does get quite weird! As for White Lotus, episode 4 was my favorite, which will be obvious to anyone that knows me. But I enjoyed all of it.
  11. Unless they're marinated in water. That seems somewhat intuitive. Salt or fresh, dependent upon species. That's not just a smartass remark, although it is that too, but I've had great experiences with brined fish.
  12. Agreed on the card scraper, but maybe these in this situation. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S2DT3K5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_GH12CB2PGVY6RE4TDZPP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  13. Done #2! I didn't mean I did number two. Well, actually I did do number two this morning, but that has nothing to do with this. I just meant that I donated second, after Todd. Oh hell, you know what I mean.
  14. Dude, never soak your chicken mcnuggets!
  15. If that doesn't work. I'd hand sand the bleached area with 220 grit paper, then use some sanding sealer with a foam brush to cover the sanded area. The sanding sealer will stop the stain from soaking in too much. You may have to buy two or three stains to mix to get the right tone. It's not an easy task. I'd mix stain and practice on a scrap piece of Mahogany. That's going to be close enough to what you have. When it looks right on the Mahogany scrap, then you should be safe in staining the actual blemished spot.
  16. Unless you know for certain, I'm almost sure that's an engineered flooring. Which means you have about 1/4" of solid wood, with intergrainular plys beneath that. The problem is matching up that stain. I would recommend you call in a good flooring installer to repair and stain match. It won't be very expensive, and will get you the best results. You do not want to take a sander to that floor! The hand hewn texture will be completely fucked up if you do. Call in a professional. That's not always my advice, but in this circumstance it is.
  17. The first episode has me interested.
  18. swt61

    RMAF 2021

    When is looking at a new DAC ever worth risking lives? How is this any smarter than Sturgis?
  19. Brent just looks at boobies and drools.
  20. That same comment has been said about me too many times to count.
  21. Damn that looks good! Do you now import your Pink brisket fairy paper?
  22. Normally when I make enchiladas, I make shredded chicken enchiladas with queso fresca and a tomatillo based sauce. I was feeling a bit nostalgic, and wanted my Mom's ooey gooey enchiladas. To be truthful they were a bit of a gut bomb. I'm still bloated and full. Live and learn.
  23. I think it's the humidity that's a problem in the Chicago area. Anchorage can be very wet, and it's right next to a large body of saltwater. Rust isn't a big problem though, because it doesn't get warm enough for the salt or water to evaporate into the air. You don't even smell it, though you're right next to it. As for You Tube... check out a young man by the name of Olivier Gomis. Mostly a wood turner, but he takes it to another level. I think he's across the channel from you. But he could be Belgian as easily as French. Amazing work for such a young guy. He has an amazing imagination. And he works in a pretty limited space.
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