Did we talk about a stand Jack?
The Asian Satinwood has a Silver tone, and the Wenge is semi-sweet chocolate in darkness, so it really should be a nice combination for your OIIs. The rhinestones, ropelights and dingo balls will just be icing on the cake.
Ditto, I'll rent a horse and buggy before I'll ship anything through UPS again. I've been very lucky with USPS, of coarse their tracking is a joke though.
Sorry to hear that though Nate.
Hey guys I set my turntable up with a new cartridge tonight, dialed in all the settings, connected my phono stage and verified that everything works. However all I have to test it is a slightly warped and slightly dirty 45 rpm from 1972.
Where are some good online sources for vinyl? I need at least a few reference albums to get rolling.
Did a bank get knocked off in the Toronto area? You kids are scoring some nice stuff!
Congrats Renato!
I still want to audition one at home. I know I've got an amp that can drive them now.
Oh hell yeah! I heard a pair of the V3 recabled RS-1s at the Dallas meet. They are damn nice buddy! Have you heard Alex's cables before? If not you're in for a treat IMO.
You'll get many different answers to that question, but personally I just couldn't get into the K701. I don't find it to be bad, just boring. I much prefer the vintage K340 and K240 Sextett.
In this corner...
Let's get ready to Rrrrummble!
Actually I don't think any comparison between the Sextett or K340 is very valid, as they're just too different to be rivals IMO.
Yeah from everything I've read the 225 is the best bang for the buck woodied, except for the HF-1 if you were lucky enough to get in on the $200.00 original price.