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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. If there were a smartass key you'd be in serious trouble!
  2. Note to self; buy fishnet stalkings from an aging hooker so that they're sufficiently crusty and stiff.
  3. I'm not a gamer, but it's shiny.
  4. I can't see age having much of an effect on the drivers. I mean they're aluminum diaphragms sandwiched by magnets, nothing too delicate here.
  5. It seems like it took about a week and a half for mine. Their software is pretty easy, just play around for a bit until you figure it out.
  6. Wait... You mean I'm not a little Grey man with no sex organs and spikes on my head?
  7. That could probably be arranged. but you need a strong amp to get the goods from 'em.
  8. And those are the ones that came with the Yamaha keyboard, correct? My first high end headphones were the now elusive Yamaha YH-1000. I remember them being great, but would love to confirm that now.
  9. It's probably no surprise to some of you that these are some of my favorite headphones (when properly damped and housed). I'd like to hear the impressions of others that have heard these unique drivers.
  10. swt61

    slow forum

    You mean that's you spinning around Vicki?
  11. Well I hope to see you there. I'm a big fan of your gear, and everybody says you're a great guy, so the first round's on me if I can get there.
  12. Uhm meet me with a gun? I do hope to be able to make it, but I'm renovating the community center here, and it's a big job. If I can get my guys up to speed in time I'll go, but construction workers are like restaurant workers...big turnover.
  13. Things just seemed to be getting a little dull, so...
  14. Let's talk more about tyrion's daughter and MrSlacker. Sounds like a great match to me...audiophile's daughter dates young audiophile in training, what's the problem? It's not like us old trolls are asking to date her. Come on Dad give the Slackmaster a chance to become part of the family. You've gotta leave your gear to somebody when you check out, might as well make a fellow Head-Caser a beneficiary.
  15. ;D Yeah I don't like name dropping either, but in this case I'll look past it.
  16. Cool, and I'm glad to see you hung onto the stands. Those are a couple of my favorites. I've been busy taking my system to a new level since our last meet. The only thing that's the same as when you last saw it are the K340, which I will never part with, but even those are now balanced. It'd be a blast to get together at another meet sometime!
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