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Everything posted by swt61

  1. LOL! I read this as prototype JBL, and I thought good god why would he go from Theils to JBLs?
  2. Nate my hope was to use my Beta22 to drive the new Omega Grande 6's I've got comming. And what I wanted was to also send a signal to my powered subs so that they would both be attenuated by the Joshua Tree. However if this isn't the best solution I'm more than willing to consider alternatives.
  3. Me too, good show. When will part three air?
  4. aerius I love ya buddy, but I looked and looked and I couldn't find any sarcasm in this post. Please don't make a habit of this.
  5. Get you some nice Cerwin Vegas, they crank man!
  6. You forgot the racial slur and the sexist slur. Please review and resubmit.
  7. swt61

    slow forum

    I take excetion to that statement!
  8. I've always had, and always will have a speaker system, but for me there are plenty of times when headphone listening is still preferable. Not SQwise mind you, but necessity wise. Speakers only topple the headphone system at higher volumes for me. Drop down to a low intimate listening level and the and the distance starts to narrow. But yeah, there's no beating a good speaker setup when you can turn the volume up. One can't truly understand soundstaging until they've heard a great speaker rig.
  9. Jesus Christ! Do we have a HeadCase recruiter at the Junior Highs or something? Where in the hell are these pimple faced dorks coming from?
  10. swt61

    UPS Sucks

    Honestly you'd probably have to spend a fair sum of money to significantly outclass the Arcam as a transport anyway. I think you probably are well founded in your decision. And I'd be wary of being bitten again too.
  11. If memory serves I think fierce_freak used one as a preamp and quite liked it.
  12. ...Steve cleans Pepsi he spit out off his monitor...
  13. I wish it worked that way, but the actual house movers kind of rule the roost on this one.
  14. swt61

    UPS Sucks

    Can't say I blame you, but I was kind if hoping you'd build the new HiFiDIY transport, and tell us what's different.
  15. swt61

    UPS Sucks

    So what about the Hertsens?
  16. I'm really not at all homophobic, but it still pisses me off that they had a carpenter/construction worker in the group. Every time I have to put on a hardhat I think of that guy, and it's just kind of ... well emasculating.
  17. swt61

    UPS Sucks

    Which means you'll be using?
  18. Damn you mean all this time I've been....well nevermind.
  19. :'( I found out today for sure that I won't be able to make it. I'm overseeing the moving an historic house onto the site of the community center I'm remodeling, and it got bumped back right into the CanJam time slot. This sucks!
  20. What am I missing here?
  21. It's only gay if you're the guy on the bottom.
  22. What time should I pick you up?
  23. His reviews are so lame anyway. He uses such vague terms, and basically posts whats already been said about an item. It would be really fun to totally screw with an amp, and have someone send it off to him for review without making him aware of the deed. Play it up as a fantastic amp, and then see what the review says.
  24. Do you put out on the first date?
  25. This warrants a new custom title for Jay... Humper of keylime pie girl.
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