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Everything posted by swt61

  1. A Mullet?
  2. Well the only thing I can think of is using something like a FoodSaver to seal the individual strands, but that would be tedious to say the least, if even possible.
  3. Is that you in the horizontal, multicolored, striped sweater?
  4. If that's for what I think it is, what about PTFE? http://www.smallparts.com/products/descriptions/sm2t,%20sm4t.cfm?Source=GG&cpgn=Plastic%20Tubing&grp=PTFE%20Heat%20Shrink&strg=Teflon%20Tubing&gclid=CPzv-c-iopICFQIjxwod0AW5Rw
  5. It does doesn't it? deepak it'll be a bitter sweet audition, you'll love it, but you'll want one badly, and they're friggin' expensive! My best friend lived just a few houses down from me (actually the house I lived in I leased from him), and every time I'd spend a day there listening to music, and would have to go home to my own system (very basic at the time), I'd be bummed for a few days.
  6. My best friend in Anchorage owns this table, so I've heard it quite extensively. The setup is as follows... Kuzma Stabi XL Sutherland PHd phono preamp Clearaudio cartridge (can't remember the model, but it's Gold) B&W 801 D speakers BAT Mono blocks BAT Preamp Classe CDP Sorry I don't remember all the model numbers, but it's one of the nicest systems I've heard.
  7. Ah, good to hear. I may use my tap and die set to clean them up first.
  8. Oh hell yeah! That's a sweet table! I'm not that crazy about the Gold color, but I could certainly live with it. You beat me to the pic, but it's a wonderful sounding table!
  9. Oh and Nate, I've been inspired to build a set of these beauties for my Omega Grande 6's that are incomming. The only reason I'm attempting this is because there is no soldering involved. So maybe I can manage it. I've ordered the same cable & heatshrink, but the banana plugs are a little different. I found what I hope will be a bit of a bargain, but we all know how that can turn out.
  10. Here's a pic.
  11. You can only see half of it there, but it's a stylized shamrock. Seamrog Soundworks translates to Shamrock Soundworks.
  12. You wouldn't believe the lengths this anal retentive Irish maniac went to to get these to look like that either! These are my new cables for my HD 580. I sent the stock 650 cable with no instructions at all, but of coarse hoping for Fitz' usual braided loveliness. Last night he contacted me with pics, and the roadmap of his journey. I won't give any specifics, because this will most likely become his trademark way of doing Senn. cables (these are his first), but I was stunned at the painstaking methods to keep the integrity of the look of the stock Senn. connectors! Even the most afflicted OCDers would be amazed. In fact I think Fitz actually has CDO. That's the same syndrome, but the extra step has been taken to alphabetize the letters. Oh, the ICs are joining my collection too.
  13. The variable supply would be great for the KOSS stats!
  14. Or is it a breadbox?
  15. Don't be fooled by the JT's price, it's an impressive piece.
  16. Guten Morgen, und gl
  17. That's what I use on all my power tools, I find I can make a Ryobi perform like a Festool with that power cable.
  18. No it doesn't really bother me either.
  19. Holy crap that looks friggin' sweet! I'm gonna have to turn my rack around now, so people can see that beauty! The fiberglass sleeving is gorgeous, and looks to be exactly the right size. Was it difficult to get it over the cable?
  20. Hey that's a pic of some of my old gear on the second window!
  21. Damn, even Doctors can't afford that shit?!
  22. Well Marc and I kind of came to the same conclusion. We decided to just try feeding the subs directly from the headphone outputs, since the active subs (you assumed correctly) have XLR inputs. This would negate the need to actually add a preamp output. Glad to hear that you concur, not that I doubt Marc for an instant, but two like opinions always make me feel better.
  23. Aptly named, because where I'm from when we caught a Dogfish we just threw it back.
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