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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. So the sickness is sucking me in yet again, and I've sold my beloved Opus DAC to try a Buffalo. I haven't heard a Buffalo, but why should that stop me from ripping the heart of my system out and taking a blind chance on the Buffalo? There are of coarse a few members I trust that have the Buffalo already, and their brief impressions are quite positive. However a little reassurance never hurt, so tell me about the Buffalo guys and gals. How many have heard it?
  2. Yeah, Sean Bean can play a good villain, but I think Ed Harris can also play a very good villain. In this movie they wanted him to have a bit of a heart, but did you see his character in A History of Violence?
  3. Definitely the Hanson concert, it was hard core R&R. But seriously it'd be hard to top seeing the Allman Brothers live back in 76.
  4. I bet he feels like a fool now for saying we're uninviting, what with a warm welcome like that and all. I love you guys!
  5. Good to hear from you Reks. Now let's have a look.
  6. IMO it's completely dependent on the design and quality of the individual speakers in question. If executed well, the active speakers advantage over passive is that the amps can be custom tailored to the drivers, and many times these active units are bi-amped with very good results. This advantage can be quite large, as I learned in listening to the passive version of my old Paradigms compared to my active version. I listened with several different amps, and the actives won out every time, by a fair margin. That being said, a poorly executed active speaker not only won't perform as well, but you have no chance at bettering them via rolling amps. I think the terminology for that sickness is DIYer.
  7. I hope it's a long meeting at work, or some other such reason for his absence. We all remember the last time he wasn't heard from.
  8. I think it certainly couldn't hurt to contact Grado and ask. For the money involved I wouldn't settle for less myself.
  9. Very interesting idea Mike. I've not heard of anyone doing that, however it seems like a really good idea to me. I'm in the very early stages of a completely custom table build, and luvdunhill has dropped some hints that I may want to build a plinth that can mount two tonearms for the very same reason. Although we never discussed a mono speaker. That seems like a lot of expense to recreate a whole other TT for mono though. Would you go as high end as your present TT?
  10. No Nate I understand where you're coming from, it just caught me off guard I guess. Looking back at the thread I can see the whiny nature. I was worried that maybe my attempt at humor, or humour had been misunderstood. It's all good.
  11. Yeah, you have a point there. I was just getting ready to let Duggeh know I was just ribbing him, when I realized it had been locked. It just caught me by surprise.
  12. I thought we were having some light hearted fun in the "Is this the anti head-fi forum or what?" thread, only to see it locked very quickly. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't get any kind of malicious sense from those last several posts, just some fun loving, lighthearted ribbing. I noticed the same thing in another thread recently. Are we jumping the gun too early and censoring like the other site? Just my own viewpoint.
  13. The United States had to drop the extra U's so we could better use them in the war effort to save the UK from the Third Reich. You may not like our newer spelling of said words, but I have a feeling that it's preferable to how you'd be spelling them in German otherwise.
  14. If so that would definitely be the best choice.
  15. Duggeh I believe both parts are metal. If you have any experience with JB Weld that's what I'd use, but go sparingly and use a toothpick to get it down inside the slot. It won't ever break loose after JB Weld.
  16. swt61

    slow forum

  17. I love Audi, but that was a little dig at Marc, 'cause he owns one.
  18. Tyll we haven't even met yet, but already you're one of my favorite people!
  19. Well yeah, but who'd be caught dead drivin' an Audi?
  20. Kinda like "Shake and Bake"?
  21. Cool solution! I hope they work well. Let us know.
  22. Great idea and an excellent execution!
  23. 71 here. I live on a smallish Island, and you can walk anywhere.
  24. It's a great project to build some skill with. Just remember to check the accuracy of your 45 degree blade angle with a speed square. Take the time to lock it in at exactly 45 degrees, and the rest will fall into place. I like to use a perfectly square block of wood to clamp my corners to when gluing up the miters. Just use some wax paper to keep the work from sticking to the block.
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