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Everything posted by swt61

  1. It's official...Steve Miller's The Window is bad ass on the K1000! (Fly Like An Eagle, 30th Anniversary Special Limited Edition)
  2. And that's what fools so many. Based on specs the Donuts should also be easy to drive, but they're near as difficult as K1000s. Glad to hear you got them in. Hopefully they'll open up a bit after a few hours of a strong signal stretching their legs.
  3. You could be right, but It'll die down eventually.
  4. Just got back from the shop. Can't say thanks enough to Nate for getting this thread back on topic. It seems as though the HD800 may really have a lot to offer. I'm dying to hear them, but I can't see myself jumping the gun until I've had some time with them. I have no doubt that Tyll's review is spot on. He's about the most trustworthy headphone salesman one could ever hope for, but I'm not sure what the rush is all about. However that tends to be the way with all new phones of interest.
  5. Happy Birthday! Spin some vinyl!
  6. OK, Tyll's small review was great, and I'm definitely looking forward to listening to these headphones. That may be a little while yet it looks like. But I'm already getting tired of the threads. I'll read the relevant stuff all day long, but so much stupid drivel keeps getting through the stupid drivel filters.
  7. Holey shit! Jason's considering Sennheisers? Is the sky falling?
  8. Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like the LEMO connector Jude eluded to yesterday to me.
  9. I need to use up my quota of smileys from a recent late night web browsing. It's hard to find the right time to use the UFO smiley.
  10. I hate 'em too. It takes forever to get cleaned up, err I mean get her cleaned up.
  12. On second thought that's probably exactly what you meant. Sigmund would be proud!
  13. Explain please. I only know the porn definition of that word, and then only because I have teenage nephews.
  14. Even thinking such a thing would be blasphemy!
  15. I get a 5 minute downtime for maintenance message. Translated that means "Oh Shit, we're screwed"
  16. I have not heard a word out of Sennheiser. They did finally confirm receipt of the stand about two months after I shipped it. This was confirmed to my business partner warrior05, only after several emails asking if it arrived. I've had no luck getting any more information whatsoever.
  17. The pics are on another computer that crashed. I posted them on here somewhere a while back though. Most likely in some place. I'll look. Oops, I made a boo boo. I'll post the pics in a sec.
  18. Are we talking the same technology used in some Cabasse speakers?
  19. Are you investing in time for the Dallas meet?
  20. Does an iPod Classic 160Gb count?
  21. Ditto. I pretty much follow the same routine, and it seems to work just fine.
  22. Oh I didn't think you were being disparaging at all, and took no malice from your post. I was just further expounding on the phrase. Actually I guess I fall into both categories, because I can be quite happy listening to lesser gear as background music. I"ll always take music over no music no matter the system. Back then headphones were mostly relegated to the times when blasting the speakers was inappropriate. I never knew anyone who's main system was headphone based. Dedicated headphone amps were unheard of. I think there are several reasons for this. One is that headphones were heavy and hot back then. They were almost, if not all closed designs with pleather pads. Little ear saunas. I think headphones started coming into their own with the introduction of the Senn. HD414, and really took off with the introduction of the Walkman. Sweet!
  23. I hope further tweaking will tame the mids. Nice job! Man I had carpet that color once. I had to vacuum every day. Every little thing shows up. Looks great immediately after vacuuming though.
  24. Well the term get's a bad rap, but there are those that will be quite happy with whatever speakers or headphones happen to be around and cheap, and there are those that have a passion for trying to recreate a live experience in terms of SQ. I've fallen into that group for decades now. I don't think of myself as uppity or snotty at all, but the term has a valid place IMO.
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