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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Will they let you in after that tragic Flamenco incident that mamed four poor maidens and a donkey?
  2. Holey crap I'm such a moron! I had no idea the pads opened up until reading your post. I mean they were comfy for me before, but I really like them opened even better. How many years would I have gone without knowing that? Crap they even have little tabs that I hadn't noticed! Mucho thanks for that tidbit, and feel free to share anything else that I might not know. That could be a vast list though, I'll warn you ahead of time.
  3. Me hath the feeling that the β22 might just be a really good match. Once I have the latest revisions done on mine I'll be able to put that theory to the test, but you know how sometimes you can put two things together that you've not actually had together? I have a small cranium which come to think of it is probably painfully obvious here already, so I have none of the discomfort that some speak of. I also can listen to the K1000 for hours with absolutely no fatigue. I have kind of honed in on about 1/3 toe out, but I do like to move 'em around from time to time. My experience otherwise mirrors yours. I thought they were cool when I heard Pete Millet's, and VPI's pair in Dallas, but nothing overly compelling. I also came away from that meet thinking the OII was the "IT" can. I had a chance to spend several months with the OII here in my home a while back. Now I'm not all that enthusiastic about the OII. It's a bit too dark for me. The K1000 here at home in my system has just floored me. What they say about meets not being a great place to audition headphones is very true. I'm finding the K1000 very enguaging and very musical. I did not get that feeling in the meet situation. I too am loving the midrange. That wasn't a big surprise for me though, after so many years with the K340. But the K1000 for me has all the good points of the K340, but it expands on them to a level I never thought possible. The soundstage for me is a huge reason to use these headphones, almost enough so to live with some flaws. The thing is the flaws don't seem to exist. OK maybe there's a few octaves of bass sacrificed, but I've never been a bass head, and to me it's a damn good balance. Add to that the detail and refinement, and I can certainly understand what the K1000 lovers were so eager to expound on.
  4. This includes headphones to drown out the crazy people, crazy people's families, crazy people's attorneys, crazy people's trust officers, crazy people's fucking p.o. officers, crazy goddamn therapists and crazy psychiatrists that are crazier than the crazy people, and guns to take care of the ones the headphones can't drown out. "Hi I'm Vicki. I'm an ex punk rocker and a Vegan. I like Audio equipment and guns. Now all you crazy fuckers sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!"
  5. Ya'll head on up to Nate's House 'O' Wire. If we don't have the wire you're a lookin' fer, I'll eat a bug. Free cotton candy fer the little uns.
  6. Don't fret too much, this is Nate's idea of releasing the hounds...
  7. I stole it from Tyll. Oh, and who the fuck spells pours as poors? Sorry, I hope she feels better very soon.
  8. Just this...
  9. Yessiree! that just unseated the reigning champion Duggeh for the signature of the week.
  10. Rented a concrete saw to cut sections out of a slab to plumb for a bathroom addition. Concrete saw cuts to a 6" depth. Great, as most slabs are 4" - 6" thick. I cut past the 12" footing only to find the slab decreases by one whole inch. Who the fuck poors an 11" slab?
  11. My Hansen set is pretty nice. Comes with bits wrenchs etc.., but those spiral taps look sweet. What's Tap Magic? I'm guessing a good lubricant. Yes, that's my version of tap magic!
  12. As is almost always the case in these threads you all are speaking way over my head now, and I have nothing intelligent to add, so...
  13. That estimate is actually quite a bit less than I anticipated. I have no friggin' idea what the heck I'd do with a Dynafet and a Beta22, but the sickness is strong, because I still want one. I'll try my hardest to rechannel that urge into something really sensible like HD 800s.
  14. Nate, Naaman, Marc & others, any kind of educated guess as to cost of a balanced version? One set of balanced inputs, single 4 pin balanced output...nothing too crazy.
  15. swt61

    slow forum

    Don't worry I'll loan you my Mag77 worm drive.
  16. I'd congratulate you, but I'm too busy hating you. Damn beautiful cartridge man!
  17. Ah that's easy, I cheat... I can send the jig your way if you like. Do you have a router that accepts collars? If not I can send that too. It would need to have a chamfered edge or rounded edge to look good, and that's tough to do with a depth of 1/8" give or take.
  18. Nice! I wanna see finished pics please.
  19. My first LPs were a Christmas present, along with a really cool GE record player. They were Elvis : Aloha From Hawaii Via Satelite & The Chipmunks. That Alvin had me in stitches. My first download was Bloodrock : DOA off of Napster. It was a trippy, psychedelic oddity from my past.
  20. It's OK man, you're a guy...gear whoring is not only acceptable, it's expected. Besides some of us have been cut off from drooling over your purchases for far too long. Get to it!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Now that I can understand. Thank you Sir!
  23. Probably a good idea to space it a bout 1/16" away from the heatsink. OK WTF is 4.875" in SAE? You're making me do math...I hate math! Shouldn't take long once the wood arrives. It'll need to sit overnight after the initial glue up though. How deep is the threaded post of the power switch? Will I need to mortice the back of the faceplate for it, or is it deeper than 3/4"? It's in the specs you sent, but I can't read that little print. I'm old remember? That perfed metal might work well for some vent holes I'm planning in the tops of some cases.
  24. Thank goodness it's not dorky looking or anything.
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