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Everything posted by swt61

  1. I think it's still women, but don't give up.
  2. swt61


    Fawntastic! Sorry!
  3. swt61


    The ESS speakers are worth maybe a grand in excellent condition, but the SAE crap was dirt cheap when new, and for good reason.
  4. swt61


    This guy if off his rocker! Google Image Result for http://schmonkey.com/treasures/stereo07.jpg
  5. IMO the DT990 also scales very little. Even in 600ohm. I had a pair of CD3000s that were modded by Headphile, with deep wooden cups. Those had a fairly similar signature, but scaled much better.
  6. swt61


    Uhmm, you sure about that? NTTAWWT
  7. Actually Dusty makes a good point. I don't particularly care for the K701, but it does pair quite well with the Darkvoice 336 or 336i.
  8. Well?
  9. Damn, sorry to hear that. We could use some of that rain down here.
  10. You better work!
  11. Sorry dude, did your Ricky Martin posters get ruined?
  12. Happy Birthday Slacker! You're now old enough to lose your virginity, so quit waiting already!
  13. Macassar Ebony.
  14. Yep! I can't wait to hear it with the K1000 for the first time. Thanks Nate!
  15. We'll see about that. I know a guy.
  16. :prettyprincess:
  17. Doug those are gorgeous! Even better than I expected. I absolutely can't think of a better home for them either. Maybe some Macassar desktop speaker stands in the future?
  18. I resemble that remark!
  19. Dirty old man!
  20. Nice!
  21. And you've just reinforced my own self image fantasy that being an audiophile is not necessarily synonymous with being a nerd, because none of what you said made a hell of a lot of sense to me. That and you've made laundry day seem just a bit more exciting for me.
  22. Honestly, the DB-BJ hadn't even entered my mind, so the brilliance is all yours Sir. It may even become the ultimate sexual act for a male, at least until the inter vaginal isopod is discovered. Could that then be referred to as double dipping? It could also be a revelation for those very odd women who really don't want to perform fellatio for their men. They can transfer away any thoughts of distaste, and place them squarely on the isopod (here fore to be referred to as isopodBJ). That also brings to conscious a new nickname for one slimy, profiteering HFer, don't it?
  23. I feel a shovel in your future.
  24. Full range rarely means the speaker needs to reproduce 20hz. Generally anything producing 35hz or below would qualify.
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