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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Well coughing all day sucks, but better than the alternative. Glad you're still with us! That would be the fastest gestating virus known to man. More likely a bad batch of Chef-Boy-Ardee.
  2. swt61


    ^ A Chester in the making.
  3. swt61

    slow forum

    I wonder, is the groundhog puppet there to blame his anti semitic rantings on, or is it just a place to hide the booze? Either way, he's bent everyone else's ass out of shape, why not a groundhog too.
  4. I was naked, so no squishing took place. I sprayed him with 409, and then washed his Brown ass down the shower drain. Left the hot water running at least 3 minutes to be very sure. Killer Bees, Rattle Snakes, and these fuckers! The South is a fucking war zone! Give me one good Alaskan winter down here, and we'll see how these bitches survive.
  5. Yeah, Judy Garland didn't put out stereo recordings 'til later in her career.
  6. swt61


    Cold of any kind sounds really good ATM. Alaskans are not supposed to endure these temps. We melt easily.
  7. If that's her playing piano, may I recommend some Nair?
  8. Silly boy! Marc doesn't actually listen to the 02s, they're simply used as an excuse to build moar gears.
  9. Imogen Heap
  10. Depending on how the F5 performs this weekend it may be a mute point. If I prefer it, the β22 will be used as an HD580, possibly HD800 amp. And a gain of 10 is more than overkill for those.
  11. No, stock unit, not the Moon Audio modded unit. It will be used as a transport to the Buffalo32. krmathis and a few others have raved about that combo Miguel. I've not heard it. I do know that if the Pass F5 is as good as Marc thinks it will be, it'll be a pretty cheap way to drive the K1000 effectively. Uhm that's a DIY F5 of coarse.
  12. Oh just wait until you see the new cases! And they'll breath much better.
  13. Well the current setting is hot enough for me, so no real issue there. My Original 2008 Mk.II CDP is a medium source, and the Buffalo32 will most definitely be a hotter source. My only orthos now are the Duggeh Orthodome III. I haven't plugged them in yet, but they're nowhere near as hungry as the Donuts were.
  14. Well we all know how I love a good ass ream, but... No real change to aesthetics yet. The recase will happen this winter.
  15. I have the β22 back to put it through it's paces. Should be a nice combo.
  16. I don't know about common, but I do know about 4 or 5 people that like the combo. Al will not like my system, because I'm at about 3:00 for a comfortable volume. He would not have enough gain with this current setup. Marc, I did decide on the Volumite on the Buffalo32 build, so that may negate the need for a preamp for the F5.
  17. Set up my β22 that returned home today. :prettyprincess: Nate for President!
  18. swt61


    Not to mention that Alaska is dry as ghost farts in the winter, and that amounts to just a surface type cold. It may sound unbearable when just considering temperature, but believe me a wet, windy cold is far worse IMO.
  19. My Dad always said "Son if you've got a good tool, you need a good shed over it". That's been my excuse for my expanding gut.
  20. I'm sitting here listening to my β22 drive the K1000 for the very first time. I can't seem to quit grinning! It's definitely a bigger improvement than I expected over my Consonance integrated amp. I'm starting to see for myself what you K1K guys are talking about as to the scalability of these headphones. If the Pass F5 is an even better match than this, I may just pee myself. Once the Buffalo32 is in the system I'll be satisfied for some time to come.
  21. I haven't heard them.
  22. Damping the Donuts (YH-1 & YH-100 varieties) had the same effect. At least it turned muddy, sloppy bass into tight, controlled bass.
  23. Priority Mail from Portland should have them there in time, no sweat. I miss Portland.
  24. What production vintage do you own?
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