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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. I can gift two Steve.
  2. How many watches do you own Dusty? Are you a lefty?
  3. swt61

    Kitty Talk

    Your dance card would be full, to say the least!
  4. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Hmmm, well now I guess I'l have to wait until I can hear both first.
  5. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Not to discount Colin at all, but it is just one mans opinion. Others including Wayne have loved them. I myself am excited by some of the brief impressions. It seems to be down to signature preference from what I'm reading.
  6. swt61

    slow forum

    Wait 'til the 12" remixes start.
  7. Were you able to talk them into doing some audio casework? Beautiful! Nice pics Naaman. Hope you had fun!
  8. No sheet?
  9. Had you come in looking for advice before your purchases, I'll wager that most of us would have recommended different source and amp choices. Nothing wrong with the HD650 if you like the balance. I prefer the 580 or 600, but that's just personal preference. At this point I'd say live with it a while, then you can decide if there's a weak link. My guess would be the source would be the first item to change.
  10. swt61

    slow forum

    What the hell was a Bugatti Veyron doing in Galveston in the first place?
  11. I'm not eating it yet, but I just made some hors d'oeuvres to take to friends for game night. I'm not sure if it's an actual dish, I just thought it up while in the shower. It consist of grilled, sliced polenta, topped with prosciutto then a dollop of diced tomatoes and basil in EVOO and balsamic vinegar, a dash of fresh ground Black pepper and finally covered with provolone melted under the broiler just until soft.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. That and you're too skinny to have a proper plumbers crack.
  14. That connection would need to be repeated many times to get a valid frame of reference.
  15. You're sounding very judgmental, just like that lady with the anatomically correct doll. Always asking me "where on the doll did he touch you"? Jeez lady, on the schlong already! You think I'd keep going back for a shoulder rub?
  16. Poor kid, look what I started. Hmmm I wonder what they'll write under your avatar now? Actually can they just add overer after high roller? Oh hell, it does look like he's doing something like that! Even that grin wreaks of gay mischief. NTTAWWT. Is there such a thing as a penis model? If so I missed my calling. I had a Great Uncle who was a hand model. We could have worked together!
  17. Sounds like fun, count me in. Fitz sends me showtunes anyway, but what the heck.
  18. Would that qualify as aural sex?
  19. swt61

    Top Gear

    Richard Hammond would be mortified to see that beer bellied hillbilly playing him. And look at how non-white his teeth are! I cannot concur. If I had it to do over I would probably become an engineer. I think it would be an awesome career. Once you graduate and delve into the job market you'll most likely see that you indeed picked a great career. You can meet women anywhere, it need not be in college at all.
  20. But does Nate sing the "Have it your way" song? BTW Mike, Have you considered a pit crew for audio gear? A complete system change in under 13 seconds would be perfect for you.
  21. Internet porn was never so immersive!
  22. swt61

    Top Gear

    WTF? Hey, someone shrunk The Stig!
  23. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Apple meet Orange.
  24. Not currently using any, but will be soon. I like AES/EBU. I found that it sounded noticeably better than the coaxial input on my last Opus DAC.
  25. swt61

    Top Gear

    When I was young and thin I got hit on by a few guys, at different times. I was never really offended. Luckily none of them were what I'd call really wealthy, or I might have had to review my sexuality. The only thing that kind of miffed me was that they were very complimentary and very forward, and I couldn't help but think 'why can't a cute girl give me this kind of treatment'? Glad you weren't offended though. I work around carpenters and construction crews all day, and we tend to be a little rough around the edges.
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