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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Something has to be up, because the pair I heard (same as Marc) were at least as layed back as the Senn.650. No one would call this particular pair forward sounding! Now I really need to hear an established 'good' pair through my β22. Top end seems rolled off too, so you guys are definitely listening to something other than what Marc and I did. These were very un-orthodynamic sounding.
  2. Well Marc's LCD-1 is damn near as hard to drive as my K1000, and the amp clipped at higher volumes, but at lower volumes the noise floor was quite good. It has plenty of detail and resolution. Tight bass that's well controlled. A great all around amp for easier to normal headphone loads. Considering the price of entry there aren't going to be too many competitors. You will be a happy man! It definitely drove the HE-5 better than the amp Alex had on hand, I just didn't like the HE-5 as much as I hoped, at least not that particular pair. I didn't listen to the other single ended pair. Al's gear seems to be perpetually riding that line between working and blowing up. It's probably not at all related to the design.
  3. Quads are awesome! I can't think of a better home for them. Congrats!
  4. Yes it's a Raven. I don't think it's ever really worked right. Alex is working on it ATM. If that doesn't work it will most likely get scrapped for the glorious Lundahl iron.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. It's a good thing they had a solid slab under foot!
  7. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    Please God, don't let them bring bellbottoms back!
  8. Just listened to this DAC. ASR brought it to the Dallas meet. The system was laptop>Ayre>BHSE>OII Damn nice!
  9. Thanks Guys. ASR took some really good pics. He'll post them here later. What the hell am I gonna do after Naaman builds the BuffaloII? I'll have to seek out projects elsewhere, because I'll be quite happy with my rig!
  10. Alex had two pair there. Single ended and balanced. More layed back than I expected Colin, but I didn't have the right adapter to try them with the Beta22. I used an amp that Alex was sent for evaluation. Some Chinese thing that was nothing special.
  11. And it doesn't jibe with our regimen to 'butch' you up.
  12. Fitz to the rescue again! Now for Miguel to get to spend some quality time with them.
  13. Had a fantastic time! Marc brought the Beta22 to life about 11:30 pm Friday, and she sounds glorious again. The gain raise from 10 to 16 (balanced) was just right. Not a big change, but just big enough, and once I have a hotter source it'll have more than enough gain for any occasion. Had a great time meeting some new people. Steve's (ASR) rig sounded fantastic! He, Marc and I had fun at dinner afterwards too! Steve's on a plane today, but he took some awesome pics that I'm sure he'll post later. Shelly you were greatly missed. Another Texas meet is already in the early planning stages, and it may be a real good time had by more than just Texans if all works out.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. They can be easily sharpened as well.
  16. Some tools from Harbor Freight work great. I have a concrete mixer from them that's lasted 6 years now. Mine looks like the pic Nate showed, also with adjustable tension. I think I'd give the Harbor Freight one a try though, if you have one locally.
  17. I second the dual Emotiva UPA-2s. Emotiva Audio UPA-2 Two Channel Power Amplifier And there is level adjustment on back.
  18. A 5.8 will have you looking for something to hide under if it rolls for any length of time. Just try to imagine what a 9.2 would be like. That was the magnitude of the '64 quake in Alaska. The second highest magnitude ever recorded, and the highest in North America. It's very strange to watch ground liquefy, but that's exactly what happened in many areas around Anchorage.
  19. As part of the package I chose, my scheduled maintenance is free for 5 years. I find I'm much more timely with my maintenance as a result.
  20. But those are good for removing ear wax!
  21. IIRC Dusty has the OPPO BDP-83, so no worries there.
  22. Coincidence?
  23. You're not helping to dispel the gay, bottom boy persona.
  24. Believe it or not the short 4 hour drive to Houston is like visiting another world. While the town I live in is fairly affluent, the neighboring towns that service this community are near third world. The only place I've met more Bubbas was East Texas.
  25. You can snicker if you like, but this lady can sing! I'm listening for the first time, and her version of Wild Horses is fantastic!
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