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Everything posted by swt61

  1. I've got a question...My Mother wants to buy my Niece a nice digital camera for her Graduation. Her budget is about $600.00. Size is not a big factor, as portability is not a necessity. My Niece is artsy, but not an experienced photographer. Where should she start looking?
  2. When I was 21 Yamaha introduced the YH-1000 Orthodynamic headphone. And I bought one.
  3. It was Shelly's Woo WA 5 LE, and it was a bit underpowered, but sounded phenomenal. The bass was deeper than I'd ever had imagined possible from just an amp swap. The WA 5 is said to have more grunt though. No, but could I get the power switch in a custom location if I order those? That's Chekhonte isn't it?
  4. Excellent! Great to know he stands behind the product, because I may need a pair at some point.
  5. Yes. The 300B amp I tried briefly at a meet was nothing short of incredible. At some point I'd like to have a 300B amp for them. I'll keep the β22 though, as I like it's signature for many genres as well. I have not yet had any real time with my DIY Pass F5, but that should be up and running at some point, and the hope is that it will provide a warmish signature for yet another flavor.
  6. I bought an AKG K340 in 1985. I used that headphone for 20 years before discovering Head-Fi. I drove the K340 with whatever headphone output my current gear had, and never really gave it a second thought. The moment I drove that headphone through a good, dedicated headphone amp (Dynalo) I was shocked at what I'd been missing. Successive amps improved even more on that. What I mean by 'open up' is just that. The soundstage opens up, the imaging improves, bass usually improves and overall balance just gets better. Some headphones sound fine with most amps, but can drastically change character when driven by a high powered, quality amp. The K340, K1000 and HD6XX headphones are three that instantly come to mind. The extra power doesn't just drive them louder, it de-congests them for lack of a better term. Once properly dampened, most Orthodynamics became far less efficient to drive.
  7. Tell him that...
  8. Agreed. The K1000 cable is decent. When I recable mine it'll be more about getting a cable length that suits me.
  9. Wimps live longer.
  10. Wouldn't this metal be more appropriate?...
  11. More, more, more!
  12. Well, if he has no immediate plans to sell I adhere to the less is more philosophy...less adapters = more good sounds.
  13. Before Jet bought Powermatic, Powermatic was most definitely the better quality tool. However the Jet line has benefited substantially from the purchase.
  14. Whether it was of a sexual nature, or just drewl from him constantly running at the mouth is uncertain.
  15. I'm relatively certain the above mentioned stain on -=her=- bedspread was made by skylab.
  16. I was not aware of the Ridgid lifetime battery warranty. My tool repairman told me to avoid all Ridgid cordless tools when they first came out. He said the batteries were blowing up, and very early in their life cycle. I imagine they've resolved this problem by now, and this may have something to do with the decision to offer this warranty. The only problem I see is that batteries change so frequently now, so availability might still be limited, once your drill gets a little old. Nice incentive at any rate.
  17. Well if it makes you feel better, most of those nifty sounding features never get used anyway. I definitely adhere to the KISS principle when it comes to tools with moving parts. Nice damn saw Marc!
  18. Yeah Nate, this combo was $199.00. The drill alone was $159.00, so the combo was a no brainer. There is a double life battery option available for $118.00, but it's twice the size of the stock battery, and the stock battery has a decent life. My 36v DeWalt batteries are like $150.00 ea., and my 24v Bosch are over a C-note. Sometimes it makes more sense financially to buy a whole new drill, although that's not a very Green alternative.
  19. Kevin, can you offer different anodizing choices, and name it after a military aircraft? Milspec parts might be another good idea. Oh, and fatter wires for the bigger bass's to pass through.
  20. swt61

    slow forum

    Somebody needs to 'splain that one to me. It's over my head.
  21. Quest for the holey Grado? This one could have Harrison Ford teaming up with Tom Hanks.
  22. Well, are you trying to build suspense, or do we get to know what fucking saw it is you chose?
  23. I've heard of it being done. If you're only planning on using speaker amps it's not a problem. Might effect resale a bit, but that too is really not a big issue.
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