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Everything posted by swt61

  1. You win a feather boa.
  2. swt61

    slow forum

    Oh not in the least! I understood your injection of comedic prose perfectly. That dude just touched a nerve in me. I'm sure many parents have said similar things in jest, but as a serious inquiry that left me very cold. You're on a roll today Reks!
  3. I'm caught off guard and have no response. You Sir are the winner!
  4. Please don't ask him to show the slot for the trim pot if he isn't!
  5. swt61

    slow forum

    I grew up with physical abuse. My Dad loved us, but didn't know how to teach. Instead he relied on corporal punishment that almost always went way too far. Doctor visits were not out of the norm for my Brothers and myself as a result. That was a different time. However this is not a whiney, poor, pitiful me story. I got past it, I have a good and relatively happy life, and I forgave my Dad decades ago. I also loved him very much, and he had many, many good qualities as well. With that being said I think the emotional havoc that would be a certainty from living with an asshole that has no love for you at all, and wants you gone so that he can be a fun loving single "cool guy" again, would be far worse than any physical abuse I ever had to bare. I could find no sympathy for such a self involved POS.
  6. But they don't hold up well on a construction site, so I prefer the over the shoulder method.
  7. swt61

    slow forum

    I don't promote violence as a solution to any problem, but then you read something like this and realize that some people just need the shit beat out of them. I'll volunteer to do it, as many of you are busier people than I.
  8. No, but the IMFP is also interested in the construction of a new garage for the FPV (Fishmonger Patrol Vehicle), so dependent upon their approval of the finished PRP (Parlour Room Project), they may be in touch as well. The problem is that there really is no set in stone nomenclature. Some woods are called various names depending on where you are, and in many cases they're just misleading. Wenge is not a slow growth wood, and therefor is now being farmed like many other endangered wood species. So it's not all bad.
  9. Meh, I'd be all thumbs at replacing a heart, so comme ci, comme
  10. I met with the Princess of Kansas today. She and the Commonwealth of Virginia are sticking it to some poor bastard they caught selling faulty electronics on the net. They anticipate major fines, and as such she wanted an estimate on a new Parlour Room addition to the Castle.
  11. It's called baseshoe. Nice job! I'd suggest a custom made Oak transition. Easy enough for any decent carpenter to make, and will look much better. If the other floor is going to change soon though, I'd wait until then.
  12. The gentleman is misinformed. The wood in the pic is Wenge however. Congrats on the job offers gents!
  13. Marc, be sure to use the heaviest extension cord available. Better yet, we could make our own 4 gang box to mount to your bench, and use 8 or 10 gauge cable with a plug attached to one end. That way we could also buy and wire in a Saftey (Oh fuck!) shut off switch. The GFCI should be fine. Also, I have a big ass hammerdrill for concrete. I can bring it, along with some Redheads (concrete bolts, easy there Colin) and we can do just that.
  14. Oh no he di'nt! Thanks Nate, the nerve of some bitches. Actually Marc, African Palisander is East Indian Rosewood. Another of my favorite dark woods, but it has a very smooth grain, as opposed to the grainy textured Wenge. Good guess though.
  15. Ooh, nice fence!
  16. Yeah, I discovered that after not being able to understand at least half of what my fictional creation was saying myself. What's even worse, because of my overzealous posting, I now have to hire an actor to portray him at CJ.
  17. It's quite difficult to bugger and stand still at the same time. I'm just sayin'...
  18. You know Marc is a fictional character right? I made him up to come across as more intellectual.
  19. Well yeah, but don't be so hard on yourself, we can't all be hipsters.
  20. swt61

    slow forum

    Fuck, I don't even need that stupid fucking eye piece. I can tell you just by looking at the bad pic on the cover that is Fir. Douglas Fir, to be more specific. Not to be confused with Duggeh Fur, which is a whole other thing entirely.
  21. Mmmm, Wenge! Looking exceptionally nice Nate!
  22. It's common knowledge that the best way to break in shrink to fits is not to wash them for at least the first 300 wears. Urinating or masturbating in them is a more personal break in preference, but proper burn in/break in is essential to a good 701, erm... I mean 501.
  23. Another night of hookin' for meth? I thought the official beer of Fairbanks was Olympia.
  24. ^ Sounds a peeling, in a zesty kind of way.
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