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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Festool tools are expensive, but they're very nice.
  2. swt61

    Post Your Pet

    Cute animals!
  3. I never felt comfortable bringing it up Al, but thank goodness you're aware of how horribly disfigured you are! Mike, that is entirely un-called for! Damn that looks good!
  4. Eggs Benedict and home fries. It's my all time favorite dish, and I haven't had it in a few years, so today I decided to make it. I like to add some diced onion to my home fries, before frying. And I make extra Hollandaise sauce to drizzle over the potatoes too. I'm set for another few years now! Mmmm!
  5. Damn Nate that sucks, but I guess every Daddy has that day in his future. Glad Lily's OK, get that drink.
  6. swt61

    slow forum

    DIY coasters?
  7. swt61

    Atlanta Meet May 8th

    And those probably aren't his real kids. Throw a biscuit to keep him occupied, while you check the Amber alerts.
  8. If I called my wife an Old Speckled Hen she'd kill me! Oh wait, I'm not married!
  9. Happy Birthday Shelly! Have a fantastic day!
  10. That was one of my favorite TV shows, back in the day. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  11. Monkey, is that Lancelot Link in your avatar?
  12. Note to self...Never let The Monkey in my bathroom.
  13. Uploaded with ImageShack.us The Thunderpants are awesome with funk!
  14. Seems a little small to swim laps, but what do I know?
  15. swt61

    slow forum

    I'm glad I never smoked. My boobs are still high and tight. Well high anyway.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Very nice, thorough review Don. Much appreciated! It's less than a month now when I'll be able to listen to the LCD-2 myself, and I'm greatly anticipating that.
  18. Hmmm, an Ebony knob perhaps? I have a bit of scrap I could send to Nate for use on his fancy schmancy new lathe.
  19. swt61

    slow forum

    Nothing says super geek better than a big fucking sword!
  20. You do realize that's like throwing peanuts to scare the squirrels away? Sometimes I feel my reputation on here is ill-deserved, it's simply that I'm so often baited like this.
  21. Geez, try goin' on a diet instead, ya fat bastard!
  22. I can't believe you weigh enough to break it!
  23. swt61

    Post Your Pet

    When I lived in the East Bay for a short time, I kept hearing about this Mt. Diablo. I kept wondering where it was, as people acted like it was close by. One day while driving to the City with a friend, he pointed it out and said "there's Mt. Diablo". I couldn't quit laughing. In Alaska I've driven up longer and steeper driveways.
  24. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    I'm pretty sure that Marc will be buying mine for me, so don't look there.
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