It could have been in the Casino, but the purpose was to reach as many as possible, in hopes that it may help at least one member dealing with the same issue.
I'd also like to clarify that I've been out to friends and family since my very early twenties, and I'm very comfortable with who I am. Unfortunately I'm not always comfortable with who others think I should be.
This group has never made me feel uncomfortable in any way, and after meeting so many of you face to face I think it's a good way to build on the great friendships I've already developed with you.
Immediately after coming out to my Mother, I think I pushed pretty hard and made her uncomfortable at times. I told her pretty much every detail of my life. The thing is my family is pretty close knit. My Brothers and my Sister were able to discuss their marriages and personal issues with my Mom. I've always been very close to her and sometimes felt very left out in that regard. The last person I wanted to have an esoteric relationship with was my Mother. Later she told me how much she appreciated my honesty and openness with her, even though it did make her uncomfortable at times. I can tell my Mother absolutely anything today, and enjoy a very real and strong bond with her.
I may push those boundaries from time to time, but I'll try to keep that at a minimum. I have some very real friends in many of you and I don't want those friendships to be surface only. I hope that makes sense.