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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    slow forum

    Vicki I'm in exactly the same boat. Except for the unnerving part, anime/manga, whatever it is holds zero interest for me. I'm a bad nerd I guess.
  2. swt61

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Hey, that was my line!
  3. Smeggy this makes perfect sense to me. I feel pretty much the same way. I only take special request from a limited group of friends now. It's not that I don't want to please people, it's more about a hobby that I love becoming a PITA, because I feel obligated instead of doing something when the mood hits me. Dr. Wood's shop is not yet air conditioned (will be remedied very soon now), and that can be downright oppressive in the summer months, also adding to the feeling of a second job instead of a hobby. There are a few people I've had on the "not quite done yet" list for far too long though, and I need to finish those projects up. Luckily some of the special requests I have gotten from close friends are actually fun projects. Also there are a select few here that bend over backwards to help myself and everyone else, and I get a nice sense of balance when and if they'll let me do something for them.
  4. Yep, I think you'll be happier that way too. Oh shit!
  5. He was asking about $4,500.00 IIRC.
  6. You might get bitch slapped for that comment! I think he's talking about making the TPs in general. It is very hard to keep up with demand while holding down a regular job as well. Best of luck either way Smeggy. I'm even more glad I have my pair now!
  7. Hey, that's a hell of a night out to some of my friends! Hang in there Vicki. That does sound quite sucky though!
  8. Nice deepak! This one here is flippin gorgeous, but way overpriced IMO... Lenco L75 Heirloom For Sale | AudiogoN
  9. swt61

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Ha, cool! I just PMed you about it.
  10. swt61

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Might be fun. I'm going to give it serious consideration.
  11. swt61

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Is RMAF similar to CanJam in that members will have space to set up their own gear? If my DAC is finished by then I might consider driving and hauling my system. That is if Marc and maybe others would be in for a road trip in the Santa Fe? Shelly...Fitz?
  12. Congrat Nate! I think shaking the branches every now and then is a very good thing.
  13. Nice work Nate!
  14. Cool Hand Luke. One of my all time favorite movies.
  15. I remember the 350 engine swap kits on the market, because so many people were tired of the constant maintenance with the Jags. I happen to be a big Corvette fan. When it really comes down to it, the cost to performance ratio is phenominal. The next gen. split window looks pretty damn good too...
  16. Quite astonishingly the new C7 can get beter than 20 mpg on the highway.
  17. Oh, good catch Grahame. I think I'll get some more just to have on hand.
  18. Oh, I wouldn't have guessed that at all. I have some of the Central American Variety also known as Vera Wood, but I'm imagining yours to be the 'true' Lignum Vitae, which is highly sought after. I made a fence for my cross cut sled out of the Vera Wood, and immediately dulled a good blade on my table saw. You can hear the silica grinding as you cut. I imagine Kevin has something a little more elaborate to cut with.
  19. Vicki, the best solution I've found for myself are the Ziotek Power Strip Liberator cables... They're relatively inexpensive and you don't need to replace your existing power/surge strips. Ebay is just one option for them. power strip liberators items - Get great deals on Electronics, Computers Networking items on eBay.com!
  20. Kevin I'm kind of partial to the even grain of the first pic. I'd use that for the flat face of the knob. Gorgeous wood, and I have no good guess as to it's species. Can't wait to see those cut!
  21. Now that would be a fantastic name for a gay bar!
  22. I'm a sucker for a good Gyro sandwich. There's a great little bistro here that just added a really good one to their menu.
  23. Who is pizza, and does he drink much?
  24. Colin is dreamy! Speaking of which...I think Colin should name his first born son Rusty.
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