Smeggy this makes perfect sense to me. I feel pretty much the same way. I only take special request from a limited group of friends now. It's not that I don't want to please people, it's more about a hobby that I love becoming a PITA, because I feel obligated instead of doing something when the mood hits me. Dr. Wood's shop is not yet air conditioned (will be remedied very soon now), and that can be downright oppressive in the summer months, also adding to the feeling of a second job instead of a hobby.
There are a few people I've had on the "not quite done yet" list for far too long though, and I need to finish those projects up. Luckily some of the special requests I have gotten from close friends are actually fun projects. Also there are a select few here that bend over backwards to help myself and everyone else, and I get a nice sense of balance when and if they'll let me do something for them.