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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    You have to cut the head off of a dynamic headphone user (with headphones still on) and stuff it in Jude's bed, to become a member of the Stax Mafia today. K1000 users don't count, because those are ear speakers, not headphones. I hear Skylab is the next intended victim.
  2. Well I heard the OIIs driven by an ES-1, and they did not sound dark, but I had the Headamp SS electrostatic amp and OII on loan for several months a few years back, and the OII was what I'd term as slightly dark on that amp. Not HD650 dark, but not what I'd term as forward at all. The LCD-2 is what I'd call somewhat forward in nature.
  3. They are different, The cabinets are piano Black high gloss, while the baffles come in satin Black. I don't think I'd want piano Black baffles, and rather like the contrast. I also think that wrapping the baffles in Black leather ala Sonus Faber would look awesome too.
  4. I would guess that 1/64" over would be plenty large enough. Not sure what that is in mm., but in SAE it'd be 33/64". If it doesn't matter if the slot is a bit oversized I'd go with 9/16" just to be safe.
  5. I don't know who has called it dark, but IMO that couldn't be further from it's character.
  6. They're actually the larger 1 ft
  7. Temperarily set up my new speakers that arrived this morning. This will not be their permanent placement, but are located at my desk for break in. Two surprises were how big they really are, and that he chose to use the much more elegant curved cabinets, as the pics on his site (Daber Audio) are of the squared cabinets. They really are stunning looking in person. No impressions yet, as they're running pink noise for now. The last picture shows the little pillows I made quite some time back for rear ported speakers. Still too close to the wall, but the pillows really help with early reflections none the less.
  8. Why does the outline of that route remind me of Grandpa Simpson?
  9. If I had a nickle for every time I've heard that!
  10. I remeber really liking the KLH model six's a buddy owned back in the day. And I had a pair of smaller KLH speakers in the late 70's. Pretty much anything Mr. Kloss had his hands in back in the day was good.
  11. I have to agree with Don here. I owned the RP-18 for a bit, and while it is nice I prefered my Chocolate Donuts, and over the Donuts I prefer the Thunder Pants, but I prefer the LCD-2 over all of them by a fair margin. The overall balance and level of detail is in another stratosphere.
  12. swt61

    slow forum

    ^ That is flippin' awesome!
  13. My point being that it has no voice coil. Without a voice coil it can't be considered as a dynamic driver. And Don's description between Ortho and Iso is exactly what I have read as well.
  14. swt61


    The first Blu-ray movie I bought was Bullet. Steve McQueen and Steven Seagal shouldn't even be mentioned together in the same thread.
  15. Except that the LCD-2 is not a dynamic headphone. It's a planar headphone.
  16. Have a really great Birthday Jim!
  17. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    I got caught in Tyll's room at CJ while I was waiting for him to measure my Thunderpants. Kwarth blabbered on incessantly. I'd say it's a damn good reason to avoid a meet.
  18. Have you ever considered hosting a wildlife show from your yard?
  19. Yep, mine too. I think the real question is what do you want to drive with the amp? If you just have extra money to burn, and think a balanced β22 is sexier that's fine, but there are probably better ways to spend the money. If you have a hard load to drive that's a different story. I'm not absolutely sure that just going balanced is worth that kind of cash layout. There are gains IMO, but they're fairly subtle.
  20. California Audio Labs Delta CD Transport For Sale | AudiogoN Not only is it small, but it's considered to be a very good transport. That's about the going rate for a good used unit.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. You'll love it Nate. And you'll be surprised at how often you'll use the impact. It is awesome for longer screws!
  23. My Mom is going through the same issue Ken. It took about a month for them to get it controlled accurately through medication. She had to give up some of her favorite veggies, but so far, so good. Hang in there buddy!
  24. Really sad news. I met Todd for the first time at CJ10. He is a great guy. Sorry for your loss Todd.
  25. swt61

    Boardwalk Empire

    So far, so good. I enjoyed the premier. Does anyone know if there's any factual basis for the timeline and characters?
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