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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    I think the LCD-2 is a fantastic headphone. It gets my top recommendation as a circumaural headphone. But, like yourself, no other headphone can do what the K1000 can, in terms of a somewhat speakerlike presentation. And I love the option of adding a subwoofer for tactile bass. I would love to hear the LCD-2 on my β22 some day.
  2. Happy Birthday Jacob!
  3. I have owned and tried several different transports. Short story...They all sound a little different. The differences have been fairly minor, but I agree with Nate completely, and wouldn't spend megabucks or minibucks. My current Parasound C/BD-2000 belt drive transport is my favorite transport to date. I like it better than an expensive Levinson unit I listened to. It's heavy as all hell too.
  4. Happy Birthday Steve!
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. I'm using mine with a 50" Panny G10 and a Denon receiver. Very nice semi budget system IMO.
  7. My Oppo BDP-83 upscales standard DVD better than any other player I've encountered. So much so that I pay little attention to whether or not I can rent a movie in Bluray. Bluray does have noticeably better audio though. $400.00 seems reasonable to me. I sure wouldn't consider letting mine go, even at that price, so it's what the market dictates. Still worth every penny IMO.
  8. That's good customer service. Glad you're getting fixed up Al. A high of 60 here today, and people are dressed up like we're having the East coast storm. Texan's are whimps...yeah, that's right...I said it.
  9. Who the fuck wouldn't?
  10. Have a good trip Marc! Al that sucks big time. Wish I were there to help!
  11. I actually love putting together stuff like that. I missed my calling.
  12. Nice Ari!
  13. Merry Birthday!
  14. Merry Christmas everyone!
  15. On the downhill side of making 12 batches of Texas Trash to give away.
  16. Happy Birthday Ken!
  17. Jeff, your Dad has some beautiful tractors there! That JD restoration is amazing!
  18. My Ridgid job site radio has an enclosed dock for my iPod, and that is generally played on shuffle (about 450 CDs). That works well for the most part, but I do get the inevitable funny looks when Donna Summer or Babs slip in unannounced.
  19. Well I doubt that Bill will mind. During his Presidency I got the distinct feeling that their marriage was loveless.
  20. Oooh! Satin Red sounds nice!
  21. How do diamond tuck and roll and curb feelers look on a macbook pro?
  22. Sgt. Salt?
  23. swt61


    Why don't Cowboys get circumcized? They need a place to keep their snuff dry when they're showering.
  24. He uses Grado cups.
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