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Everything posted by swt61

  1. As for masking parts to be powder coated...you can use about any product, as the coating really is powder. I used Blue painters tape, so it wouldn't leave a glue residue. Then my powder coater removed the tape after coating/before the oven. Make sure your powder coater masks threads, as all don't. If not I found the best thing is to re-chase with a tap. You can get smooth or hammered surface textures, as well as gloss or satin, but I'm not aware of a flat powder coating yet. The baking process would make it difficult to produce flat I'd imagine. Smooth surfaces generally are about 2 mil, with textured about twice that. At least in my experience. Clear coating screw heads is an excellent idea. I used to have a lot of pipe powder coated, for deck railings in Alaska. And when building custom computer cases.
  2. Marc, any interest in sourdough breads? I bring it up because my Mom has a sourdough starter that she started before I was born, and at 50+ years it's incredible. Her Alaskan sourdough pancake recipe is the best I've ever tatsed too. I could bring some up when we fly out.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Wait, am I in some reverse universe or something?
  5. You forgot 'Empire of the Sun'. Estimated 95 lbs.
  6. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    Yes, and that PASS would make a lovely 50th Birthday present for Dr. Wood.
  7. Yes it does, but with Dinny, Al & Mike around you'll get lost in the shuffle.
  8. That sucks!
  9. Congrat Colin! I told you that having Jeff hold a raffle for the next promotee was the ticket. Can you afford to buy that redhead now?
  10. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    It looks very nice, but why is this in speaker porn? What am I missing?
  11. I'm trying a new side dish that I've been putting together in my head for a few days. Stuffed Portobello mushroom caps. Stuffed with Blue cheese, diced apple, diced glazed pecans, a drizzle of olive oil and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. I mixed all stuffing ingredients together, then spooned into the caps. I'm baking them at 350 for about 25 minutes. Hopefully they turn out as good as my mind says they should.
  12. Good luck!
  13. ^ In an install like that it's not really important which way the woofers are facing. Deep bass in non directional. That's why the drivers in many home subs face downward.
  14. I believe midget porn would fall into that category.
  15. I also like that Kohler uses three tank to bowl bolts, instead of the standard two.
  16. I happened to be privy to Regal's second post, where he goes on to state that he tested different transports in weightlessness, in his Brothers space shuttle. In zero gravity he could detect a very minor difference in the Uranium cased unit that his Father in law owns, over the Platinum series that he borrowed from Howard Hughes (yes, he's still alive). In more ways than one. I'll come back to haunt you in a few hours too.
  17. All this leads me to believe that my idea is a winner. I'm going to market headphones to young people, endorsed by famous opera singers. It'll start of with the Pavarotti circumaural, marketed towards hip young guys. Then we'll bring out the Beverly Sills supraaural in a nice Gold lame, for trendy young gals. Wait a few months and then bammm! The Jim Neighbors custom IEM, in Gomer Pyle cammo!
  18. Excellent news, because we all could see that was a train wreck waiting to happen. I'm all about preventative maintenance. If you can keep it under your hat. I don't want people thinkin' I'm Burger King.
  19. I can build you one out of Ebony. While I would have thought the volume to be nearly the same you make a good point about that being hard to interpret. That was some funny shit! Hmmm, no reply from Buick boy yet?
  20. While your logic seems sound, I've experienced different sound characteristics in bit perfect transports. That's head to head and not from memory. I don't care to hazzard a guess as to what's happening, but it wasn't in my head. So there must be something else at work here.
  21. Happy Birthday Knucks & Renato!
  22. Dr. Wood approves. I don't even want to know what that Walnut butcher block would cost. Look closely and you'll see that the pieces are even bookmatched!
  23. I always get a flat key made and keep it in my wallet.
  24. Mine is wall mounted.
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