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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. So I'm having a midlife crisis if I think it's actually kind of cool?
  2. Happy Birthday Tyler!
  3. Achey Breaky Wango Tango!
  4. That would not be such a great idea once it rains.
  5. Happy Birthday Mike!
  6. Are your arms tired?
  7. They were English, how much imagination do you give them credit for?
  8. I understood that Jim, and agree. Just clarifying the actual definition.
  9. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Could be promising, in that HFers may be dumping their LCD2s at a good rate. I've been biding my time for the FOTM to run it's usual short coarse over there.
  10. You told me it was because you only date 17 y.o. boys. What up?
  11. All good things curve to the left a bit.
  12. Yeah, women avoided me like the plague.
  13. Hope he gets better soon Shelly.
  14. Amen brother! Ewwwww!
  15. Matt the younger's 160 Gb. iPod Classic. With the one I already own, I should be able to ripp all my CDs for work tunage.
  16. Happy Birthday Doug!
  17. Of coarse you have plans to go back and kill everyone involved, right?
  18. The year generally is designated by the year said winter starts in. So technically winter 2011 has not arrived yet.
  19. That's what center consoles are for.
  20. Sounds like a damned good time Al!
  21. Happy Birthday Duggeh! You so rarely have occasion to drink a brew or two, so don't miss this one!
  22. I had my hair spiked in '87, and that worked out OK.
  23. Thirded.
  24. Did someone call me?
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