Damn Stretch! If that ain't ta sex, I don't know what is?
I also love the juxtaposition of the old school desk with the modern speakers. Very, very nice Sir!
It's always sad to lose a piece of your youth. But IMO they went out in style.
And as a buddy of mine said, "it's better than the alternative".
R.E.M. was one of the top bands of the 80's for me, and possibly one of the top 100 bands of all time. Have fun in your next endeavors guys!
I'm actually happy to see a great band call it quits before they become stale. IMO the Stones should have done so a few decades back. I'd hate to think of R.E.M. as anything but great.
If I were buying a new rig I'd probably pick up the Beta22 that Nate built, that's for sale elsewhere. Then get the latest version of the Audeze LCD-2.
Marc, I'm of coarse available for airport trips and other driving tasks as well, and 7 can squeeze into my car, so that's 14 people with both our rigs.
An alternative plan might be for Maryanne & kids to have a beach weekend and stay at my place.
Just flew back in from a remote ranch, where I had to oversee a job. No internet or cell service for a week is just brutal these days. What a wimp I've become!