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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    HBD JP11801!

    Happy Birthday John!
  2. Moo moo buckaroo.
  3. Oh shit! You really don't want anything labeled Kindle Fire landing in Texas. It's probably heating up some cowpoke's chili pot as we speak.
  4. Adam Samberg rocks!
  5. You'll be doing the Macarena in no time Shelly!
  6. Younguns! Thanks Jim. Al, classic, I'd forgotten that one.
  7. Isn't it a long way?
  8. I don't estimate from the hip. A lot of contractors do, but I don't believe in it. I use good software, and am usually very close to final cost, barring COs. Many will underbid purposely to seem cheaper up front. My bids are higher than most, but in the end I'm cheaper many times. Also an average full bathroom remodel usually takes me a month. That's high end, usually with elaborate tile designs.
  9. My bathroom remodels usually take a bit longer, so I'm guessing this is something different?
  10. Have a great day Alex!
  11. I thought about riding one once, but at that point in time I didn't want people to know I was gay.
  12. I thought your parents already had the entire Ricky Martin library?
  13. Why does that sound like an 80's haircut?
  14. I was tempted too, but I'm sure after a week or two I'd migrate back to the K1000 anyway. The positive thing about finding the right rig is that the upgraditis stops. The negative thing about finding the right rig is that the upgraditis stops.
  15. What? And you kept this from Fitz and I, at MOAII?
  16. This!
  17. I thought about you at work today Shelly. I wish your husband posted on here, so he could update us. Hope everything went according to plan. Speedy recovery, and remember, now's the time for special requests that would otherwise seem selfish. Maybe Eggs Benedict in bed for starters.
  18. ^ The best pic yet. I dub thee Ebinezer Scrooge monkey. Or possibly Phyllis Diller monkey.
  19. Hang in there Shelly. It's gonna go great, I know these things. Good things happen to good peeps and all.
  20. BTW, the trifecta would be...Omega, 007Mk1, and 009.
  21. I gotta go with Jim on this one. That's a whole lotta extra dough, for what on paper seems to be very little difference. But I'll hold my tongue until I've gotten to compare the two myself.
  22. Congrat!
  23. Mine has pixie dust from virgin pixies only.
  24. There's a good joke in there somewhere, I just haven't coaxed it out yet.
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