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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Tyll, you were drunk, and those were your own boobs.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Don I do respect you, very much so in fact. However NoNoNoNoNoNo has made his own bed here and there, and I doubt that opinion will change with us. I know you were friends and neighbors, but he has earned every bit of disrespect he's acquired IMO.
  4. I did get a couple of free french fries from Justin once, but I stole them when he wasn't looking. Even so I've felt the need to shill all of his products since then.
  5. ^^^ Very Nice!
  6. Exactly!
  7. ^^^ This, so sorry to hear this Chris.
  8. Have a wonderful day!
  9. Awesome, both! New Yorkers are certainly their own breed. So many walk by, barely noticing. How could you not stop to watch? The coffee cup floating away in vid 1 was really cool.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Well you did get one thing right...your username.
  12. In Alaska, during winter it wasn't uncommon for my earbud cables to rub against my polar fleece jacket lining, and give a static shock. Just one of those things you get used to in a dry climate.
  13. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Well then, you're the mental Jack LaLanne by now, because you always seem razor sharp to me.
  14. Freudian slip. I couldn't be that funny consciously.
  15. Happy belated Birthday!
  16. I'm not qualified to make statements as to the safety of the designs. And my comments have been limited to some odd personal characteristics. However, there do seem to be some issues with regard to reliability in some products. I'll let the experts flush all that out though. If you go around presenting yourself on internet as a thought leader and profit, then I'd say that more than opens the door to comments myself and others have made. I count on my HC buddies to help me decide where my money might best be spent. I trust completely that they have my back, and I've got theirs.
  17. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    Next thing you're going to tell me is that patrick182's Coconut Audio's Alien Seashell makes no sonic improvements. Sceptics!
  18. I'm not going to speak as to the SQ of Cavalli amps. I will say that a fun project and a great amp are two very different things. Some people here love to build amps. No problem, sounds like fun. Some people here love amps, because of what they can do in terms of making the process of listening to music so much more enjoyable. Sometimes the two factions come together, sometimes not.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. This man speaks great wisdom.
  21. My first computer speakers were the Monsoons. Not that bad for what they were.
  22. Just wait until the claim for a dented cap!
  23. Have a great day!
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