Firstly rythmdevils, I'd ask that you not lump us all into one. You know better than that. Yes people here tend to favor similar things, but that's far more about the size and closeness of this community, as opposed to the masses at the other place.
Also, Ryan hit the nail on the head when he talked about post SP. We're all concerned about keeping each other informed, but we would like to impart the most accurate information possible. I have no knowledge of what the illegal dealings may be, but I doubt that Birgir would fabricate this. Whether I'll deem it as important as he does remains to be seen, and we all reserve the right to decide for ourselves. Very few here play follow the leader, as you suggest, at least not blindly.
I do find some odd displays of character concerning Alex, and from that I do tend to infer things. That's got more to do with my Psych classes in college than any conspiracy. However I'm not making any rash decisions about the man until solid evidence is shown against him.
As for NoNoNoNoNoNo, that is the fucking definition of a psychopath! Ted Bundy was a fun guy too.
I have personally been burned by the little fuck, and I have every fucking right to alert everyone here of his character. Sadly it doesn't need to be done, as it's all too obvious here. I'm sure he can be quite charming in person. I've met plenty of assholes that are.
My biggest concern about Alex is his relationship with NoNoNoNoNoNo, as it's no secret that he's fucked over several people in the community. Does he, or does he not understand this?
As for Don, I have the utmost respect, and his words do not go unheard.