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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Ooh, that's so f'in' nice Kevin! If you have one left over, and you decide to sell it...
  2. On the other hand...if the Emotiva is a known quantity that you like, and it's just $250, what's the issue? Surely you could sell it if you decide to try something else.
  3. I quite like your design aesthetic TMoney. It reminds me of Nugget Audio's simplistically beautiful designs.
  4. Pink Floyd - Back Catalog
  5. Speaking of Carl Seibert, he's turned me on to an outstanding band... Actually I quite like everything he sent me.
  6. You have to put an icepack on your balls to get the full experience.
  7. Rule #1 - Don't be in a hurry. Just give the paint twice the drying time it recommends on the paint can, and you should be OK. Humidity, temperature, angle of the sun etc... all come into play, so just error on the side of reason.
  8. Frankly I don't see the problem here. I pray to Häagen-Dazs too.
  9. I guess Duggeh has glaucoma?
  10. Hire some local thugs...
  11. OK, this is what I'd suggest... It should be available at Home Depot or Lowes. Just follow the instructions on the can.
  12. If you sand the entire top, then no need to worry about feathering the edges. A random orbit sander would speed things up considerably. What kind of paint did you use? Colin's idea would be easiest, if it's not epoxy.
  13. That's a good excuse to consume moar rum!
  14. You're going to have to sand the area smooth with a series of various grit sandpaper, then repaint. Depending on the debris, I'd probably start around 120 grit, then go to 220, then finish up with 320. Feather the edges as you go.
  15. Ooh, new avatar.
  16. OK, point taken, but I bet you didn't build Ken a disco-tech?
  17. That was nice Fitz. Are those the singers on the album? Tyll, that was crazy, funny and really beautiful, at the same time.
  18. So is that what we would call a storage shed? And I've not seen that kind of slotted construction. It's like Lincoln Logs for adults. (For our British brethren, Lincoln was our 16th President, and he was born in a log cabin. Lincoln Logs are an older toy, that kids would build with.) (For our younger American members, Lincoln was our 16th President, and he was born in a log cabin. Lincoln Logs are an older toy, that kids would build with, back in the dark ages, before electronic toys.)
  19. Now that you mention it, I can see the family resemblance. I like your dresses better though.
  20. I'm gonna guess he wanted to play with dolls as a little boy, and Dad would have none of it. He makes one fugly little princess!
  21. Happy Birthday Knucks! Spin some WIN!
  22. Happy Birthday Renato! Have a fantastic day!
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