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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    Audeze LCD-2

    If it's a composite, then it may be stabilized with resin, in which case it'd be harder Dinny. I can understand why they'd move to something more consistent, but for the money you should have a choice of exotic hardwoods to choose from.
  2. A little cake... [/url And a wee bit of Scottish plaid...
  3. Why a Red Solo cup, of coarse!
  4. And the puns keep coming.
  5. The very reason I liked Orthodynamic headphones was because they had some qualities that were a little more stat like than dynamic headphones. They were relatively cheap, and they were very tweakable. You could alter the sound to your taste pretty easily, within reason. The Audeze LCD-3 might be a great Orthodynamic, previous bugs aside. However, at the current price they make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. You can buy a Stax 007 for that money, and you can talk this virtue or that virtue all day long, but bottom line is they aren't as good as the 007. And it's not as though you can cheap out on the amp, so why pay as much or near as much as a better Stax rig?
  6. R.I.P. Earl
  7. Jeez Slacker, that's the longest cosmetology coarse I've ever heard of. Congrat on becoming a Beautician finally! And P.S. Wine coolers really don't get you that drunk. But how drunk are you planning on getting? This may decide whether or not I make the trip.
  8. swt61

    The Firm

    I just found out about this show, and caught up on Hulu recently. The story line is that it's 10 years later, and Mitch and Abby McDeere are recently out of the witness protection plan. Many of the characters are there, but played by different actors. All in all it's not bad. Josh Lucas (Mitch) has a Paul Newman thing that I like, and Julliette Lewis is not a bad choice to play the Holly Hunter character, Tammy. John Grisham has a hand in this, and interestingly enough, Helen Shaver is an Executive Producer and sometime Director here.
  9. Because with all of the noise over at Head-Fi, they must assume these are what's needed.
  10. + Eggs Benedict!
  11. Although the dog got pissed off when he released it.
  12. I could swear I've played that hole before!
  13. A multi-tasker already!
  14. swt61


    Too early to tell yet, but I'm interested. I like Ashley Judd.
  15. Nice work! Duggeh, now that you're an experienced DIYer, I'll send along a list of projects I'd like built.
  16. Really nice review. I like the straight forward approach, without unnecessary verbage. I remember being impressed with the CJ10 prototypes. I also love Doug's "understated elegance" approach to design aesthetic. Who in the world does that remind me of? Funny your mention of the muddy mids of the Adcom. I did not pick up on this myself, until comparison to the Buffalo II. Spot on though.
  17. ^ If that don't make you smile, nothing will!
  18. I've heard of this running thing. Was someone chasing you? Congrat! There is no way I could do 5K without some serious training well beforehand.
  19. Excellent story, and thread idea. Yesterday I was at my local grocery store. Saw a lady I had done some work for. She smiled and talked casually for a few minutes while we waited in line. Out of the Blue, her 5 y.o. Son steps up and gives me a hug. I needed a hug! Did he just sense that? I wish we retained some of that magical quality as adults.
  20. Also, JP has less wind resistance on his head, so that makes the run slightly less taxing.
  21. Well as I said previously, I could always mount a panel amp on them and use them in my main, two channel speaker rig.
  22. I've seen, touched and heard the amp Larry, and it sounds wonderful. So sad to see UPS screw up yet another piece of gear. I hope you get it back as close to the way it looked as is possible. The way he designed this amp to come to operating temp so quickly almost had me re-considering tubes, as that was my main quibble previously. Best of luck and keep us up to speed on this. I'd love to hear this amp driving an 009 at some point.
  23. http://www.wimp.com/babyhummingbird/
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