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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Happy Birthday Wayne!
  2. It's funny how changing just three words makes this quote completely applicable to myself at your age. Today I completed my third workout for the week with a lesbian. Holy crap, I'm out of shape! Really quite scary how quickly you can lose it all if you don't work at it...I've only been out of the fashion scene for two years! At least it can only get better from here.
  3. Sister, unless they announce that Cher will be performing in the pits, I'm all about hangin' with my 1/2 lesbian 1/2 straight home girl!
  4. swt61


    ^ It's the re-animation fee that's the real kicker Ric... But this one may still be more affordable...
  5. Can one have a bacon induced orgasm? I need something new to strive for.
  6. That's Google Earth for my StepDad.
  7. We were just talking about Tea Party, Child Pornography and DJing. Please be more specific!
  8. So then you'll need two?
  9. Happy Birthday Jim!
  10. Have fun Grahame and Joanne!
  11. swt61

    Kitty Talk

    Cute animals make me smile! Oh, and so does pie!
  12. I miss Al.
  13. Good JP! He needs a distraction!
  14. Many people don't know this, but it was just one man in Nome who decided to build an F5 turbo, that started global warming.
  15. Lately my first reflection problem has to due with walking by mirrors.
  16. Shelly had you thought about the Emotiva Pro4? At $314.00 it's hard to beat the sale price, and Dan has great things to say about them. And no amp needed. http://emotivapro.co...s/airmotiv4.php
  17. Shelly, hang on to them for now, and bring the bad one to Austin in Nov. There'll be a few guys that can look under the hood for you. It's silly to dump them just yet. Nice Dinny! That sounds like a fantastic day out to me!
  18. swt61

    Kitty Talk

    Monkeys and cats traditionally don't get along well. You throw poo and they bury it. But there are exceptions to every rule. I approve of your future purchase of said Abyssinian.
  19. Happy Birthday Stretch!
  20. swt61

    Kitty Talk

  21. Congrat Dan!
  22. Just a note Naaman...I doubt the bat was really necessary.
  23. Happy Birthday!
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