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Everything posted by swt61

  1. You're not hunting late enough at night.
  2. swt61


    Stay safe!
  3. This vet is great. Much better than Suzy's old vet. I think we'll stick with them for a bit. Maki thought it was a social outing. Didn't even flinch with the shot.
  4. Taking Maki to the vet this morning. She has two more shots to get. They have curbside service, but I tested negative this morning. I'll wear a mask to be extra cautious, but am wanting to meet this vet, as I didn't care for Suzy's vet in San Anselmo. I loved Al's vet where I had Suzy put down, so I'll make a decision between this one and that one. Her adoption fee covers her general exam here, and I think the last two shots as well. No need to pay twice, especially at Marin prices.
  5. I could see that interpretation. For me though, I rarely ever get sick. I've never had the flu, that I'm aware of. If I catch a cold it's just congestion for a day or two. I've never experienced the body aches that people talk about. Never had strep throat or many of the things that many contract. Hell, I've never even had a headache, not that that has anything to do with immunity. I have a hard time equating that to anything other than being hit in the head. I did have measels and chicken pox as a youngster, but don't remember them being too bad. I've only had any kind of food sickness maybe twice. The same goes for my Mother and my Brother and Maternal Grandfather. Not the same for my Father or my two siblings that have passed. They would be bedridden with the flu and other issues, and it was obvious they were really sick. Their symptoms were always bad. Luck of the draw I guess. As an example I'm feeling pretty good today. Congestion is much less and scratchy throat is almost completely gone. My Mother is experiencing poor health these days, but that has much more to do with smoking for decades, heart issues and macular degeneration. I'm not of the opinion that my immune system will be much help in the aging process though. Getting old can't be helped.
  6. That makes me feel bad. Not only have I never had a reaction to a vaccine, even when doubling up as you did, I don't even feel that bad with actual Covid. I've had it twice now, and just like when I get a cold it's just congestion mostly. This time I have a mild cough as well, but I never get achey or feverish. My Maternal Grandfather gifted me with my immune system, as well as the 'TICE'. Not a bad inheritance.
  7. They will probably honor it. C4 is an explosive clay. Jeff uses it on most of his projects. 😝
  8. My Mother's favorite song of all time. A favorite of mine as well.
  9. RIP Andre. I think his big break came in Glory.
  10. No help here. Jeff will suggest C4 again.
  11. Many say it's the greatest Country song of all time. It's certainly up there for me. They don't talk about how it took the 'Possum' 18 months to record it due to not being able to stay sober long enough.
  12. It should fit fine. The Metabo is the new name for Hitachi, and I know that the older Hitachi grinders used the standard wheels. I believe that you can even use the newer Xlock wheels, but can't use regular wheels on a Xlock grinder. I have both kinds, and love the quick change of the Xlock system.
  13. The cinnamon force is strong in both of these revolutionist.
  14. I approve of this message! And of her creamy, Irish heritage.
  15. swt61


    Kind of mini Nagra-ish.
  16. I remember watching a few episodes of MH, MH. Also, I think that it's easy to forget just how cutting edge All in the Family was when it aired.
  17. Lettuce eat more bacon!
  18. Oh, bummer. RIP Norman You were a huge part of my childhood.
  19. She's Putin one over on him!
  20. Have a phenomenal day Todd!
  21. I still can't watch this music video without tears coming to my eyes.
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