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Everything posted by swt61

  1. As a Zdac owner, I certainly would not consider it a Mid-Fi DAC. Although the price may reflect Mid-Fi status, the SQ is pretty damn good. Put against my Buffalo II the winner to my ear is the Buffalo, but that's more about neutrality than detail. The Zdac has a slightly warmer presentation, but that could be a positive in many situations. IMO there are a lot of "lower cost" DACs blurring the Hi-Fi line today. That said, the Ayre QB-9 is one of the best DACs I've heard.
  2. Happy Birthday Naaman! Have a great day, and scare the shit out of a few plumbers!
  3. Yay Vicki!
  4. Could EdWood "shop" a Kindle in there?
  5. Sorry Knucks. You gave her a great life though. 19 yrs. ain't half bad.
  6. Happy Birthday Dan!
  7. I have been very impressed with Oppo and Emotiva as well. It's nice to know that there are still a few good bargains out there, with sound build quality.
  8. Sweet!
  9. Jim, how long do you need the XLRs to be? I have a beautiful set of Fitz cables in about 6'. I no longer need them, so would like ty donate to a good home.
  10. Nice. Happy 80th G-Mum! As for me, I finished milling the F5 wooden faceplate for a new volume attenuator that Colin will install, and had it sent to it's new owner...Mr. Riverdance, in Seattle.
  11. Are you kidding me?!!!!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. swt61

    Sound Proofing

    Cool. Easy enough then.
  14. swt61

    Sound Proofing

    I know I've sent sound diffusion for vents, but don't remember where.
  15. swt61

    Sound Proofing

    I'm working on the idea that what your friend wants is to dampen as much sound as possible, without a huge monetary layout. I've had great luck dampening walls by just installing either fiberglass or cellulose insulation in the wall cavities, then installing a layer of drywall, followed by a second layer of drywall with 1/2" furring strips between the two. You can simply use Locktite power grab to glue the 1" x 1/2" wooden furring strips every 16" to the first layer of drywall, the screw the second layer onto those furring strips. Same technique for ceilings. Be sure to tape and float both layers of drywall. This will dramatically reduce sound transfer at a very reasonable cost. A solid core exterior door, or better yet, a sound deadening door should give great results. Two sound dampening doors, one at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom is worth the extra cost IMO.
  16. King?
  17. Jeff, that Hublot is absolutely gorgeous!
  18. Back seems to be about 90% now. I wonder if it was from piggy backing Colin through the Castro?
  19. Thanks for all the well wishes! Unfortunately it kinda sucked. I went to bed Saturday eve. just fine, then awoke on my Birthday hardly able to move. My back is fucked. This has only happened a few times in the last few years, and I have put two and two together to realize it was from swinging side to side when dumping the scrap trailer. This time I have no idea what caused it. It's only muscle, and not spine related, but having it happen the morning of your 52nd Birthday does little to make you feel it's just a number. I did manage to go out to dinner with family and friends, and I'm going to attempt some light work today. Getting older is not for sissies, but it beats the alternative.
  20. Happy Birthday Colin!
  21. Sorry about the rough day Chris.
  22. Happy Birthday Ed!
  23. I miss sweet Polly Purebred.
  24. That Specialized is a lot of bike for $450.00.
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