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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Happy Birthday Ari!
  2. I did not know that Playback Designs was started by a co-founder of EMM Labs. That's a pretty good recommendation in it's own right.
  3. ^ You know skull, when you couple the rosebud with your signature below, it's doubly funny.
  4. Every thing you mentioned about the HD-800 mirrors my impressions. It is indeed airy and resolving, but oh so clinical.
  5. Mmm, jewel encrusted codpieces!
  6. I would go with the Audi R10.
  7. Even the moose recommends against the salmon, but he is partial to the birch leave salad.
  8. No worries Adrian. Colin just wanted the pants, not what was in them.
  9. Jacob you're a great guy! This can't be easy, but it's refreshing to see people trying all the options before throwing in the towel. My hope is that one day when you and Emily are old and grey, holding hands while strolling through the park, looking back, these trials are only going to be part of what made your union so strong.
  10. Thanks! It doesn't get all that much use, as the M-22/Buffalo 32 is my main system, but it's very convenient at times.
  11. Ooh, I hadn't heard yet. Fantastic! What an evil bitch!
  12. I That usually doesn't happen until after I've had sex with someone. I really like the portability! I can just unplug the power cables, grab the handle and carry to the motor home, a friends house (one I haven't had sex with), a meet, or wherever.
  13. Happy Birthday Shelly!
  14. I had always heard that Corona was a shitty beer, but I had no idea! I had assumed that his Catcoon catching failure stemmed from his skin tight pants restricting his movement.
  15. OK, I'm starting to understand heterosexuality better now! That should come with a warning!
  16. K1000 bitch!
  17. And why does he look perfectly content with it? Meanwhile, Adrian has the look of someone who had his beer pooped in.
  18. HeadAmp and ECP would be my recommendations.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. No doubt in my mind that Ali is the greatest boxer ever.
  21. It may not matter to you at all, but I can attest that Wipe New will make those wheel well flares, vinyl top and other plastic bits look as new. I really like that color too, most Jeeps are not as conservative/classy. http://www.target.com/p/as-seen-on-tv-wipe-new/-/A-14402918?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=%7C14402918&CPNG=Automotive&kpid=14402918&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=14402918
  22. Sweet! Lookin' good there Nate! The ride height makes a huge difference.
  23. Awesome! first album...Led Zeppelin 4!
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