My Mom's Snowshoe Siamese had to be put down. He had kidney problems, and it got much worse recently. This was the only cat that her husband ever liked, and they had a really special bond.
I found Simon (yeah, Simon the Siamese) on a walk to the corner grocery store several years back. He was about 4 months old, and a walking skeleton. He found me and I'm sure was begging for food and help. I'm a total sucker for any animal in need, and couldn't help myself. My Mom was on vacation in Alaska at the time (visiting her Husband, who was still working there at the time). She fell in love with him instantly upon her return, as did her Husband once he moved down about a year later. She told me that Norm (her Husband) cried. I have never seen much emotion from Norm of any kind, so I guess the bond was even greater than I understood.
My dog Susie and Simon were great friends, and would play daily when Susie was at Granny daycare (my Mom watched Susie when I was at work). So now Mom & Norm are missing Susie and Simon.
I feel bad.