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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Watched him get a late Birthday kiss. It was very romantic!
  2. Because they were such primadonnas while filming Joe's Apartment, Hollywood had to Blacklist them.
  3. Sounds like he's smart enough to still get you to pay him, so I guess idiot is a relative thing.
  4. I feel like I'm not even needed around here anymore.
  5. Happy Father's Day!
  6. Yeah, he might be banging his boyfriend.
  7. My advice would be to keep a dead one around, then when you see a live one in the house, eat the dead one in front of it. Message sent!
  8. And the old 3.0 BMW.
  9. Have a fantastic day! I hope your wife gives you a Bondurant course. See you in a few days!
  10. Yeah, I forgot Colin likes 'em butch. Opposites attract and such.
  11. Wait, you're in Europe? Then who the hell is cornholing Brent?
  12. Uhm Brent, are you sure that's a straight bar?
  13. Colin, you can use my laptop, you've been on it many times, so you're familiar with it. Oh wait, you're talking about electronics...never mind.
  14. It makes a huge difference down here, so I'm assuming you'll feel a nice change.
  15. swt61


    Stick with me now...So, if you built your own isobaric subwoofer, couldn't you power it with a simple 2 channel stereo amp? R for one driver and L for the second driver? Since low bass is mono, wouldn't you still get the same signals to both drivers? Or is it not that simple? Of coarse you'd need a crossover, probably active.
  16. Are they as rich as it says? I nominate Colin to make them at MOA IV.
  17. swt61


    Yeah, should be an easy project.
  18. Hoping for a swift, if a little stinky recovery Marc!
  19. swt61


    Shhh. Colin doesn't realize he is a sub. I told him this suit is the height of fashion.
  20. RIP Quest. So glad you found a human more than worthy of your love and loyalty. We'll keep a good eye on him for you while you journey ahead.
  21. I have to agree with this and look at Robert Alan Durst as an opportunity. Buy now, even Durst is not crazy enough to murder a neighbor, nor does he have any reason to. Buy a stun gun possibly, but I wouldn't be bothered by Durst at all.
  22. That had Tee Pee the worst one yet.
  23. Are you being a Malcontent? I'm insistent that this thread be allowed to meet it full potential. To not do so would make us incompetent.
  24. ^ Oddly I've usually found that pitching a tent does just that. Here's hoping your discontent becomes nonexistent.
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