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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    You were looking for the regular porn thread Gregg?
  2. The hypocrisy in the Catholic Church is on an immeasurable scale. While some people think of child molesters who pray on boys somehow related to gay men and homosexuality in general, there is absolutely no relation whatsoever. Child molestation is rape, and rape is not about sex, but about power. I've mentioned before how pissed off I get about that comparison to homosexuality. While I'm not surprised at how Catholic people have little understanding of gay people, I cannot for the life of me wrap my brain around the idea that having consensual sex with a member of your own gender can somehow be seen as similar or worse than the rape of a child. While the Catholic Church would quietly shuffle off a molesting priest to another diocese, they would publicly condemn gay men and women for basically acts of love. So "Intrinsically disordered" is in one way a giant step forward. Also, as the general population becomes more understanding and comfortable with homosexuality, the Catholic Church has absolutely no choice but to soften the rhetoric. As for me, what has me most excited these days, is that equal rights has to be just around the corner. I can still be fired in Texas for being gay. No recourse at all! But that first domino has fallen, and surely the momentum is irreversible now. I love you gays and gals dearly!
  3. I bet that was delicious!
  4. NFLO!
  5. Yes it does. Dan am I just not able to see the rice, or is there none in there? Also are those clams?
  6. Walked into a homophobic discussion with gay slurs, and idiotic statements about how the new gay marriage ruling is a slap in the face to Christians and their beliefs. It got very, very quiet when I walked into the room. But for the first time I can remember, I remained calm. I stated my case without malice and without raising my voice. I have no idea if I changed anyone's mind in any way, but I don't really care. I was so happy with myself for not flying off the handle. I have to attribute recent events and my experiences at this years Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco, for my new found patience. I now think of all my great friends who wouldn't want me any other way than what I am, and I gather much strength from that. NFLO!
  7. GRAVITY Mitsubishi made some vertical TTs back in the 80's, but the tonearm hung down, not up, and it was a linear tracker. This has fail written all over it!
  8. swt61

    New Puppy

    Amada It's a Cuban girl's name meaning beloved. Could be Maddie for short.
  9. That 3.0 CSI is f'ing sweet!
  10. I may just do that Shelly! If you promise not to break anymore of my ribs.
  11. That's what she said. That does look delicious, and that bakery with the scones makes me very sad. We have nothing like that here.
  12. Love me some fat bottomed girls!
  13. Happy Birthday Big Man!!!
  14. Just binge watched Peaky Blinders, season 1 and 2. Liked.
  15. Waiting for swineapple review.
  16. swt61

    Peaky Blinders

    Just started binging this on Netflix. Pretty good show.
  17. Has Colin built a teleporter yet?
  18. Lookin' good Mike.
  19. Might that be the famous Chicken Apple sausage?
  20. I would like exactly what you've described.
  21. Happy Birthday Gregg! Wishing you great friends and great brisket!
  22. I had a short listen on the GS-XmkII. Initial impressions were very good, and I'm not an HE fanboy in general. Would want more time, but the HE1000/GS-XmkII combo is a winning pair IMO.
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