I also noticed that he has no tree branches, gravel or other road/trail debris attached to him, so I'm deducing that he's a much better rider than Dad.
She forgot her own birthday a few weeks back. But her history of forgetting Birthdays goes way back to my 18th Birthday. It's an ongoing joke in the family. I'm just thrilled to have her around!
Thanks guys! Low key day. Went to work, then went out to eat with mom and her hubby.
At the point I asked the waitress for the Senior discount, my Mom yelled out "Oh shit, I forgot your Birthday! Made my day!
I'm running fairly large, inefficient speakers with them, but for your purposes one amp would work fine. It is very solidly built, and has a beast of a traffo in it.
Since it's a desktop system, I'd also consider the Zamp. I have two (run bridged) and have been really happy with them. The smaller footprint might be nice.
I doubt the fully balanced system would be a large audible gain.