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Everything posted by swt61

  1. Very cool Chris! I learned to drive on my Father's '66 Chevy pickup, That 4 speed was a bitch to shift, but the outcome was that I can drive pretty much anything now. Driving big rigs for a few years may have helped too. You'll be a pro again in no time, and will love the added control.
  2. Thanks to Grahame I new what apps to use to get my itunes music to work on android, even found an app to sync directly from itunes. Playing music flawlessly now. One thing I did notice about the shatterproof screen... several of the display phones had scratches or dents on the screen. So I got them to toss in one of the glass screen protectors.
  3. The Turbo Power charger is fast as hell. And this phone will accept my 128 GB micro SD card. I like to have lots of music on hand.
  4. Sitting in the Verizon store, upgrading my phone. Using an iPad pro to log in, while waiting for the rep to transfer my info. Gonna try the Turbo II, because of the shatterproof screen.
  5. Maybe you've heard this before, but your Schnitzle is quite large, in relation to your potatoes.
  6. That looks very tasty!
  7. swt61


    For you Murse people... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PMW6IPW/ref=gbps_img_s-3_4742_9e673a05?smid=A17Q55VMDHQ1VL&pf_rd_p=2417384742&pf_rd_s=slot-3&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=gb_main&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0N3K7BTXF9F2X91PEDGZ
  8. You must have felt similar to the way I used to feel Wednesday nights, at The Stud.
  9. Sad songs tonight...
  10. ST vs. S4 countdown begins...
  11. I was living in Walnut Creek, CA. I think it was '92. I was getting ready for work when this video came on. I'd not heard the song before. When my roommate/best friend came down a minute later, I was balling like a baby. He thought a family member had died, and when I told him it was the video he laughed at me. By this point in time I had lost multiple friends to AIDS. And my macho, redneck, Texan Father had shocked the hell out of me, by completely accepting my homosexuality. This song/video still makes me cry every time I hear it.
  12. That's my line!
  13. This! I luvs me some grilled salmon!
  14. ^ Playa!
  15. I'm with Nate. Most likely a loose clamp. Could have happened with any make.
  16. Looks just as good the second time!
  17. Have a fantastic Birthday!
  18. That aesthetic is gorgeous! Would be nice to have an amp/power supply/DAC/pre system, all in a matching aesthetic.
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