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Everything posted by swt61

  1. NSFW... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=docking
  2. I believe that is not intended for the wrist at all. Pretty sure that's a lighted cock ring for dark sex clubs.
  3. I forgot to mention that vegetables were still readily available. How is scurvy boy doing?
  4. He's tall, but not quite that tall. I believe he was referring to the picture Jim posted.
  5. I am only aware of one person who did not like it.
  6. Really liked Hearts in Atlantis. RIP Anton.
  7. Have a great day, and drink plenty of coconut water!
  8. Is that the Isabella Maru in the background?
  9. It's so different than Houston or Austin, that's it's hard to believe it's in the same state, let alone just a few hours away. It's a pretty low income area, and the school system sucks down here. That helps breed ignorance IMO. They have a bridge with a programmable lighting system in Corpus Christi, and the city council decided to light it with the rainbow flag this weekend, to show support for the families of the Orlando victims. The uproar and protest that caused was unbelievable! Many local churches were protesting, as well as others, but I was flabbergasted to see the council hold their ground. The bridge is indeed lighted in a rainbow theme as I type this. BTW, I think I enjoyed the last episode the most. Watching so many OJ insiders resign themselves to his guilt was oddly fascinating.
  10. Yeah, I here the "N" word almost daily down here. I just don't get it.
  11. RIP Prince Be. Set adrift on memory bliss!
  12. Happy Birthday! I assume you built a communications satellite, or some such thing to celebrate?
  13. Ashamed? I'm assuming that you mean ashamed of all the previous racism and mistreatment by the LAPD, and not ashamed of O.J.'s arrest and trial?
  14. Gorgeous!
  15. Impressive just doesn't say it fully!
  16. RIP Jo Cox.
  17. Well now, this kind of bitchiness makes perfect sense now! Brent, take a Midol and refrain from posting until your "monthly friend" is gone.
  18. It's a pretty good history lesson as well. Enjoying it.
  19. X infinity!
  20. You would have just written "Will work for biscuits" on it anyway.
  21. Watching Anderson Cooper on CNN right now. He is clearly choked up as he reads off the names of those killed, which is choking me up all over again. Just so sad.
  22. Would it be weird for Mike and Deb to adopt a 55 y.o. malnourished Son? OK, malnourished might possibly be a tiny bit of a stretch.
  23. Sorry Knucks. I raise my glass to Kim!
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