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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. RIP Gary Marshall. You entertained us for decades!
  2. I can't remember having any real issue with Aaron, but I never got the feeling he wanted to fit in here either.
  3. So that's a scone in GB? Can you describe it? It looks similar to what us yanks call a biscuit.
  4. I know exactly what you mean, and agree.
  5. I wondered this morning if something like this would happen.
  6. Is that gravy on the trout? I bow to your Southerness.
  7. Fuckin' hell! Another police shooting in Baton Rouge. We have to find a way to fix this shit! Three dead officers. RIP.
  8. That's what's known as a "lipstick lesbian", and yeah, that is definitely a gay club.
  9. I didn't know ice cream could melt in England.
  10. There will be no laughing! My people take our native music very serious. And Queen Summer shall be referred to as Her Royal Highness, may she rest in peace.
  11. These incidents just keep piling up on top of each other, with no time in between to catch your breath. It's a frightening time for sure. I can't imagine growing up with this being "the norm". RIP Nice victims.
  12. Wow! Heal fast Chris.
  13. Pastrami, at a BBQ joint? That's a new one on me, but it doesn't sound half bad.
  14. swt61


    Having owned the original ZDAC for about 4 years now, I think you'll be quite pleased. Quite a bargain IMO.
  15. Did someone call me?
  16. I hope you're not implying there'd be anything wrong with that, 'cause that'd be some faggetty ass shit dude.
  17. Insert Tice joke here...( ).
  18. Agreeded again.
  19. I do not recognize the street meat house, but I have been to Cinema 21. I love NW Portland!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Nom nom nom...
  24. Happy Birthday G-Man! Have a nice bottle and raise a little hell.
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