I don't fully understand either, but it almost seems as though you're implying that cash in the wallet would be a safer bet?
Rockin' dead Presidents old school baby!
Listen up Lastinaudio: You are not liked here. It's doubtful you'll ever understand us, or fit in here. The smart thing would be to move along. Otherwise we're just going to use you for target practice.
Don't let Brent Trump get under your skin Chris.
He's still mad at your 25 BAI raise.
Hey, for the record I need to defend Colin here! Colin has never seen my penis!
How could he when I had his face pushed into the pillow?
Yep! The frostbite culture is way overrated!
I use similar for my scooter. Trust me, on cold days they're necessary as hell, and anyone who thinks I'm a cold weather wimp doesn't know me at all. Also consider wind chill at 60 mph on a 38 degree day.