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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. ...and then one time, a farmer brought in a potatoe that looked like Dan Quayle.
  2. Have a spectacular day Doug!
  3. Have a fantastic day ol' Scot!
  4. When you consider the expense and bad weather, there's only one line of thought that makes total sense. It's a front. It's not that he loves to B-B-Q, it's that he's a serial killer and needs a way to discretely get rid of the bodies. Whatever you do, don't share any meals with him! And don't make him angry. You should be safe though, because if he's smart enough to build a Body-B-Quashed B-B-Q, he's smart enough not to kill someone he could be connected to. On the other hand...
  5. Again? Next time you better fax some this way!
  6. That does sound good! I had a bourbon ice cream recently that was outstanding.
  7. Just what you've always wanted! I'd like to try The Arnold.
  8. I thought for sure you'd be posting about eating the head of Cthulhu.
  9. You guys are both young. Real porn requires that the guys have on knee high basketball socks, and there's always some chore or situation requiring them to enter a strangers house. And always music similar to this in the background...
  10. RIP Chuck. Just got deja vu.
  11. Happy Birthday Al !!! Hope you get a new hoodie!
  12. Congrat Mike!
  13. RIP Chuck.
  14. FTFY
  15. It's OK. I'm sure there are a few thinks sprouting on you that Colin isn't that fond of. It's a wash. That Brisket doesn't have Naaman's smoke ring, but still looks pretty tasty.
  16. swt61

    Get your game on!

    Who translated this sign for Brent? He knows he's not in California, right? I'm imagining him thinking he's just south of Fairfax, and a good biscuit is nearby.
  17. ^ This! Stay safe!
  18. I've heard it can be good, but the only way I've had it is slimey. Not that I'm against everything that's slimey, but Okra for sure.
  19. You lost me at okra.
  20. There's a Sir-Mix-A-Lot song in there somewhere.
  21. Raise your hand if you think that this video gave Colin a woody.
  22. Not sure how I missed this one either, but R.I.P. Fred Weintraub. His accomplishments too many to mention, but Woodstock and Bruce Lee movies are just a few.
  23. I'm guessing Alden didn't partake in that?
  24. I would agree with the aforementioned statements as well. Cracker Barrel's chicken and dumplin's is crap. It's tenderloins with dumplin's and broth. They have some decent breakfast items, but nothin' to write/email home about.
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