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Everything posted by swt61

  1. All of the Wolf ranges, as well as Viking and many other professional ranges, stick past the cabinet faces. Not sure the reasoning, but I'd imagine something to do with heat transfer? Maybe to reach an oven depth standard?
  2. ^ http://www.subzero-wolf.com/wolf/ranges/induction-range
  3. RIP Adam West
  4. Wow, for expensive speakers, those sounded oddly as bad as the crappy speakers in my PC!
  5. Scheme: make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong. "he schemed to bring about the collapse of the government" synonyms: plot, hatch a plot, conspire, intrigue, connive, maneuver, plan "he schemed to bring about the collapse of the government" Schematic: (in technical contexts) a schematic diagram, in particular of an electric or electronic circuit.
  6. I can recall one time while listening to Chris Isaac, that I thought juices were coming out of the Stax 007 I was listening to. After further investigation, I became aware that the source of the juices was much lower.
  7. swt61

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Just a virtually unknown little thing they called "The Walkman". Oh, and something called a CD player.
  8. swt61

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Fair enough.
  9. swt61

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Dusty, the point I'm trying to make is this: When you read an article about a speaker/amp/ DAC/what-have-you review, the reviewer usually mentions the system in which he is using said component. Most will state that they are using their "reference" speakers/amp/ DAC/what-have-you. They say "my" reference, not "the" reference. They say this because "reference" means the item you usually "refer" to over all others. Most reviewers have totally different reference items than others, thus no one component is considered reference by all. My reference headphones would be the AKG K1000. Not because they're the best headphone ever made, but because I completely know their signature. When using them I can therefore better understand the qualities of the component I'm auditioning. Yes, I've heard that a million times. There's post after post after post about it over there. I've listened to numerous Qualia, of each size. Did it make a difference...yeah, probably so. Did it make me like the Qualia any better when listening to the one that fit me best (Lg.) ... No.
  10. swt61

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    Gee, never heard that before.
  11. swt61

    Sony MDR-Z1R

    If they sound better to you than the other headphones you've used, then they are indeed your "reference" headphones. This idea that we all hear the same, value the same sound signatures, or need to use the headphones others say are best is total bullshit! I thought the Qualia left a lot to be desired. If memory serves, you loved them. What's the problem?
  12. I like fruity stuff!
  13. swt61

    Kitty Talk

    What is he when he's not a cat?
  14. What Stretch isn't telling us, is that this is the dogs TV.
  15. I have nothing against electricity. I certainly don't do my woodworking with a hammer and chisel. However, a bike is human powered for a reason. We buy them to exercise, and not have to sit in our living room while doing so. If you simply want to commute or make better time, then an E-bike can definitely do that. My concern has more to do with those of us living vicariously through you. After all, you're Stretch! So embrace your Stretchiness and pedal your Yeti SB6 XX1 Eagle Turq... And plug in your Sora Lito E-Bike...
  16. Buy regular bike. Pedal bike. Rinse/repeat.
  17. Glad you were able to see her and share better times! Crying is good.
  18. Easy big boy. You're back in the SF bay area. That's an open invitation for this guy...
  19. That's the most sensible approach I can think of. I completely agree with this line of thought, even if it goes against HC multiplicity standards.
  20. But how can you be sure it's really them?
  21. That is the single most un-PC thing I've seen in a while, and I can't stop laughing! That is funny, funny shit!
  22. My Mom always made drop dumplings like Dan's, and I'm always disappointed when I get "noodle" style dumplings. The only thing I would change is leaving out the carrots. I've never been a fan of cooked carrots.
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