I wouldn't doubt the rumors of destroyed casebacks for Apollo 11. They'd have had to have made them up with plenty of advance time. And I doubt they'd want any getting out.
This one's gone full Euro on us Dr.! I'm recommending the 7-11 diet and Keeping up with the Kardashians running on a repeat loop, stat!
Let's bring him back stateside!
JP, the only way to decide that is to determine what that album means to you? For me, that's one of the greatest albums of all time and had I the extra fundage, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on the deluxe version. I also think that I'd cringe at any changes whatsoever but that's just me.
This is 'Merica'... We don't let common sense get in the way of naming our sports! Curling? Why the 'F' not!
When I grew up in Alaska (toward the end of the last ice age), a kid wouldn't be caught dead playing soccer. It was as tainted an activity as band, chorus and ROTC joined together. I'd have been better off coming out than admitting to playing soccer! I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. It's well known that I'm not really a sports guy but I'm very happy to see this turn in attitude toward what seems to be a great sport. A sport parents can allow their kids to play without the concerns of the other football. I also believe that a sport beloved worldwide can only promote better relations with our global neighbors.
Now please resume with the entertaining team loyalties smack downs.