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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. It's all done online now.
  2. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    Insert TICE joke of choice here.
  3. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    ^ I'd ask your Dr. to look at it.
  4. This has also been the reason for the demise of many gay bars.
  5. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    Befitting the title of this thread... Damn! Grahame beat me by 8 years!
  6. As we're talking about Brent, we first need to determine if, in fact, he has a soul? Also, one must consider that if the Devil looked at Brent and decided it best to speak to him in Spanish, all sort of misinterpretation could have resulted in a clusterfuck of an agreement.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossroads_(mythology) http://www.openculture.com/2015/07/the-story-of-bluesman-robert-johnsons-famous-deal-with-the-devil-retold-in-three-animations.html
  8. You are such a dork! Do you realize that you just wished Todd a Merry Christmas?
  9. That may have once been the case. However, recent evidence suggests that Brent has visited the crossroads!
  10. Brent gets away with a lot by not always informing us of his biscuit consumption. For all we know, he may be directly responsible for the likes of Cheeto Jesus (thanks, Mike) sitting in the oval office, North Korea's missile success, hell even Brad and Angelina's break-up. I'm suggesting to the BHCM Committee (Betterment of Head Case Members) that we install a permanent Biscuit Monitor. Think of him as a Secret Dis-service officer to patrol Brent's every move. All in agreement press the 'like this' tab.
  11. Wow! RIP Sam.
  12. Have a fabulous day! Go out and eat like Colin!
  13. Fantastic! But you made me realize that my 40th HS reunion is in two years. How is that even possible? You guys still see me as 20 something, right?
  14. Hell yeah!
  15. swt61


    Anyone know when season two starts?
  16. Oh, I didn't know you were transitioning too? Didn't want you to have to wait too long.
  17. Well, you can't see it for Mickey's hand but it has a very nice Zyx R1000 Cosmos.
  18. No need. It fooled my eye at first too.
  19. We're doing euphemisms. We're not doing innuendos.
  20. Have a fantastic day!
  21. You are very complimentary on that front. It's when you took out a fork and knife that scared the hell out of me!
  22. Not when you're swimming.
  23. Me too! I'm still trying to process hot, drunk, lesbian.
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