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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. ^ That reminds me that I'm pretty in pink.
  2. These are best for trolling forums...
  3. Dinner omelet...
  4. Who said anything about Trump?
  5. Took Suzy for her two week follow up with the Vet. I really like this Dr.! She's so thorough and so caring. Suzy is looking fantastic. Everything is normal and she's lost two more pounds. Just 3 lbs. to go for a healthy weight. She also got Suzy caught up on her vaccines today, and that was very reasonable, and without any office charge. She will need her teeth cleaned, but she can wait until February, which is dental month and $100 off.
  6. Like bacon was hard to cook, to begin with?
  7. I find Animal FF a bit disturbing.
  8. You've been blessed with both Greg!
  9. Fixed a very expensive window that was installed slightly out of square. The sash would not close all the way at the bottom, letting water in when it rained. Put a shim under the middle of the bottom of the window, forcing the bottom of the window to narrow just enough to line up. Old school carpenter tricks FTW! Impressed a few. Sometimes just being around longer can make the difference, as I'm by far the oldest guy on the crew.
  10. Todd's trifecta FTMFW!!!
  11. So would that other Miami.
  12. Cruising sucks in Alaska! Oh, nevermind. You meant the boating kind?
  13. Mmmm, bag of dicks, my fave! Congrat Jacob!
  14. I think Ken takes out the Honda Rebel for longer rides. I suggest buying the one that Brent drools after most.
  15. Be safe Greg!
  16. Suzy is doing much better this evening! She's up and around. She's eating and drinking and her tail is wagging! She spent a good part of the day with her Uncle Al. He's all a little terrier could want in an Uncle and more. He's so sweet to her and she absolutely adores him! Anyway, it's all good news. Thanks for all the well wishes, she's now set to live many more years pain-free. Just told my Mom about the surgery. I knew she'd worry if I told her before and she agreed.
  17. Have an incredible day Todd!
  18. Picked Suzy up from the Vet. She's not feeling too good but she's hangin' in there. Should feel a little better by tomorrow. Surgery went well, no complications and bloodwork shows no other issues.
  19. Have a phenomenal day!
  20. Good luck Thomen! Hoping for no tibia/fibula fractures for Alaric. Have fun guys!
  21. Revisiting my youth and my first taste of psychedelia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1PLT0GljPA
  22. Yeah, I like this Dr. and I'm sure she's going to be just fine. I'm just so happy that it's not something that can't be fixed! Thanks for all the well wishes guys! And Naaman, tell Jodi thanks, it makes me feel better hearing that from another Dr.!
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