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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. You should bring that haircut back!
  2. Finished. Not a bad show.
  3. He's a vagitarian.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Watched the first season. Will start the second season soon. Interesting take on the novelist and story.
  6. RIP Carol.
  7. Have a phenomenal day Dan!
  8. Have a fantastic day Al!
  9. Happy Birthday Colin! I hope Brent went biscuit free for yuor special day!8!
  10. Thanks all! House/dog sitting at the Mayberry compound. Me and three bitches celebrating hard! Salad, chips and dip, ice cream and cake! Worked outside today on the router table project. All in all, the best birthday in many years!
  11. Have a fantastic day!
  12. I love Rendezvous! And it's happening now! http://www.furrondy.net/
  13. When it rains it pours! Heal quickly Casers!
  14. Ouch!
  15. Milo and I bought the wood and got all the pieces cut to size for our router table project.
  16. Was there some saying about people in glass houses?
  17. Happy Birthday Jeff!!! Go out and buy yourself lots of things that Brent still can't afford!
  18. Not today, but very soon my buddy Milo (some of you may remember him from my trip to Lake Michigan recently, and he looks remarkably similar to Al) and I will be building this configurable router table together... Should be a really fun project, and quite useful for our little shop we're assembling. Milo is a handy guy!
  19. No, it's a cage for his hamster collection.
  20. Not just today, but an all-around fantastic weekend. Beautiful weather, fantastic food, fantastic friends and a great nature walk. Then today I got to top it all off by watching Tom Brady go down in flames. It doesn't get much better!
  21. It turns out that the DOTU makes a pretty bad-ass Texas-style chili.
  22. Counterpart. Liking it so far.
  23. Or just use the door.
  24. Well, all I can say is your taxidermist sucks. That doesn't even look like squid anymore.
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