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High Rollers
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Everything posted by swt61

  1. swt61


    Wow! That's a great price.
  2. swt61


    Needs more Irish Cream liqueur.
  3. Have a phenomenal day!
  4. Best Thanksgiving meal ever!
  5. Crepes with fruit compote.
  6. swt61


    Thought Leader math.
  7. I found a Bank of Italy bank book behind the fireplace of an old Victorian in SF. I think it was about 100 years old. Gave it to Al and Claire. If memory serves, the guy had about $1,000 in his account. That would have been a nice chunk of change back then.
  8. Cheese omelet, bacon hashbrowns, bagel and Earl Beige.
  9. They need to be very snug. No slack at all. Even then, you may find it racks.
  10. I don't think that's going to stay square without a diagonal cross brace.
  11. I need a lot more information. Can you take a picture of the existing gate opening for starters?
  12. I used to be able to get very close to them in Dutch Harbor, AK. There are no trees, and they're attracted to the fishing boats. Not my pic, but...
  13. Got the re-tipped Zu DL-103 back yesterday. Today I mounted the cartridge, set the tracking force, aligned the cartridge and set azimuth and VTA. The custom belt is due on Tuesday, so I'll check the sound then. My last pieces of wood for the new stand shipped today. should be here soon. It's all coming together.
  14. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    And why the heck do people put their turntables on the floor? I've seen this a lot.
  15. Impressive! Will you now be producing your own MDF?
  16. swt61

    Kitty Talk

    Beautiful cats! I personally like Chalupa Chatte better. Less pedestrian.
  17. Have an incredible day!
  18. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    Wait, is that the Overlook, or Mikey's spare room?
  19. swt61

    Speaker Porn

    I think I'd be MORE comfortable in The Overlook.
  20. And yes, looking back at the email, he did indeed say DB.
  21. Haven't I mentioned before that I'm just here to look pretty? I'll leave the technical mumbo-jumbo to the smarter people. 🙂
  22. That's the problem, all the photos got nuked. It hasn't been shipped just yet, but it looks like the re-tipped Zu DL-103 tests out pretty darn good. He said that it's pretty rare to get separation so close to a perfect 40 degrees.
  23. Eh, my wood dealer at the time was Woodcraft. Since I didn't have a Woodcraft nearby, I simply ordered what I wanted to use. I think the one tool that is a necessity is a drill press. The hole for the platter bearing has to be absolutely 90 degrees to the plinth. A hand drill would be an extremely difficult proposition.
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